07-09-2022 03:47 PM
how do I remove a disconnected device in Google Home? I see this question asked a lot, and nobody has given an answer. when I go to remove it, it just says can’t connect, which is true the device is gone. i refuse to make another home, move the device, and delete the new home or migrate all my stuff between homes.
Answered! Go to the Recommended Answer.
08-20-2022 10:33 PM
Hey folks,
My apologies for the lack of updates here. The team is still investigating this issue and I haven't received any updates as yet. I'll continue checking in with the team and share any updates I receive.
I understand this issue has been happening for quite some time and has been a rather frustrating experience. Thank you for your patience while our team works through this.
09-17-2022 03:38 PM - edited 09-17-2022 03:39 PM
Hey folks,
We appreciate all your patience. No new updates for now but rest assured that our team is looking into this issue. For those users who haven't sent a feedback yet, please do so by following the steps on this guide: Share a home and devices in the Google Home app
For the meantime, please create a new home structure then move all your devices (except the one the you can't delete). Once done, delete the old home structure then check if you still have the same issue. Also, check if you can delete it from the Assistant settings on the Google Home app. Follow the steps below to know how:
If those troubleshooting steps don't work. Please make sure to send feedback on your Google Home app.
12-01-2022 06:33 AM
Finally, a real solution. Thank you!
12-06-2022 01:32 PM
Thanks. No joy for the Android app. As soon as I click on the removed device all I get is unable to load.
12-12-2022 08:41 PM - edited 12-12-2022 08:44 PM
This doesn’t work for me, the remove device button shows up in settings (as Unlink [Brand]) but tapping it doesn’t do anything!
12-19-2022 12:11 AM
Anilj, you're great and practical, been waiting for this for ages.... Thanks and happy holidays!
12-12-2022 10:32 AM
This is ridiculous, I changed router password and now I can’t change the wifi password or remove the JBL speakers on my system. How hard is it to create a simple delete device from the Home Screen
12-12-2022 10:37 AM
It’s not hard at all. Google just needs to do an overhaul of their employees that just sit around and don’t do anything the same way Elon musk did with twitter. Then maybe stuff will start to get done
12-12-2022 10:39 AM
Contact your internet provider to change your wifi password. Your Jbl speaker has nothing to do with your wifi password changes. Now to remove that speaker. That’s separate process. It’s not related to the wifi password. Any device added into your google home system communicate or connect with it via the internet signal or being online. I if it’s not connected then you cannot remove it. That’s the main topic of my issue comments and posted on this group. Good luck
12-12-2022 10:44 AM
they can and are connected. changing your wifi password before removing the JBL will orphan the JBL in Google Home. If you want to change your wifi password, the only way to do it is to remove all your devices from Google Home, change your password, then add all your devices back.
this is directly related to this post, as once the JBL is orphaned, you can never remove it from Google Home.
12-12-2022 11:19 AM
Try reading my post again…. It’s the same issue. But I have figured out how to remove devices that are not connected….
12-12-2022 08:47 PM
you figured out how to remove devices that aren’t connected? Could you tell me how please?
12-12-2022 08:50 PM
Would love to hear the million dollar solution
12-12-2022 08:55 PM
Figured it out. Go to settings then Rooms and Groups then under the room that you have the device assigned to you can longpress the device or tap it then hit remove at the bottom. Voilà.
12-12-2022 09:14 PM
Long-tapping doesn’t provide a button, tapping the disconnected device provides a “Unlink [Brand]” button, but it isn’t functional (tapping it does nothing).
12-13-2022 10:57 AM
Sorry just saw the message, glad you got it👍
12-29-2022 10:46 AM
Hi! Any news about this? I have 2 nanoleaf light with this problem (always offline on google home but on the nanoleaf app are working fine [with thread]).
Dont't know how to remove them and relink them...or at least I think that's the solution...
I tried to unlink and link again my nanoleaf account in g home but it not solved the problem.
01-08-2023 04:45 AM
updates on this please
01-08-2023 10:16 AM
Solution is under settings> rooms and groups
01-14-2023 12:47 PM
This is ridiculous. You keep asking tens of users to be patient w/o any progress for half of a year. My Google Home App is jamed with 50 disconnected devices. Do you expect every user to create a new home or else?
No wonder Google fails in almost every try of hardware effort. Google Home app is now a piece of junk to me.
03-04-2023 07:33 PM
create new home, move non-working devices to new home, delete new home
01-24-2023 08:59 PM
girl it’s been a long time. HOW DO I FIX IT. i cant change the volume from my phone because it said “disconnected device” i’ve deleted the app, un-plugged and re-plugged the nest and turned my phone on and off. PLEASE HELP
02-10-2023 07:41 AM
How is this the answer? The answer is under 'Rooms' > Device Settings > Remove.
02-10-2023 05:26 PM
This works for me. The whole experience, however, feels like a ridiculous joke.
As an engineer, I spent 10hrs try this and that, search online, even ask for official support, yet got a workaround that seems so weird, and the answer is not from G!
02-13-2023 11:48 PM
Has the issue been resolved? I’d like to know how to remove/delete unused devices from my network.
Is the solution to create a new Home ?
Thank you!
02-14-2023 06:38 AM
Hi Everyone,
I had this same issue and found a less intensive solution. My offline item was in the Living Room. If I clicked on the device itself, it was showing as offline and I couldn't remove it. If however, I clicked literally on "Living Room" I would see all devices in the room, then I clicked the gear icon and under Device Settings, I had listed once again all the devices in the room. Once I then clicked on the issue device, I was able to delete it. Hopefully this helps and it wasn't a random fluke on my end.
Best wishes,
02-19-2023 05:47 AM
Ok. It's been a few months. Is there a way to rid ourselves of devices long gone? I have the ghost of a Dish Hopper with Sling that haunts my family room smart things list.
03-03-2023 06:33 PM
Go to settings -> rooms and groups -> click on the device and “remove” should be at the bottom.
Not sure why this isn’t the pinned answer, it’s obvious enough once you find it but it is not at all the official google answer so it takes some digging to find it.
03-03-2023 06:36 PM
because it works with some devices, like Nest, and not others. it’s not a universal solution
03-03-2023 06:39 PM
Ah I see, I wasn’t aware it didn’t catch everything, all my devices show up in there.
What’ve you got that you can’t remove? (Not that I can help at all just curious which devices this doesn’t work with)
03-03-2023 06:42 PM
there are 3 device types, google (nest/Chromecast), works with google via an app (kasa, smarthome, LG), and then the 3rd, which isn’t google and isn’t connected with an app, like an JBL speaker, those get orphaned.
05-03-2023 11:18 PM
Hey Larry, not sure if you saw, but you can apparently create a new room. Call it "dumpster". Move the idiotic dead devices you want to remove into that room. Then go into settings and then rooms. Then delete that "dumpster" room. All of the devices within that room then get deleted.
Such an incredibly silly and convoluted solution to something google engineers should have just done already with a simple "delete" option...
05-04-2023 12:44 AM
Sorry Daveisdigital - this doesn;t work for me. The ghosted device "automatically" reappeared in the new home still under "linked to you". Arghhhhhhh !!!!
Thinking more and more everyday of changing automation solution provider.
05-04-2023 12:42 AM
So this is still not resolved. I finally went and created a whole new home to move my devices across too, but the one device I don't want in the new home still appears ghosted under the "linked to you" group of the new home. This automatically appeared without me even doing anything to it.
So solution about creating a new home also DOES NOT WORK.
For clarity, the device does not appear in any rooms, only under the "Linked to You" section of Google Home app.
05-17-2023 12:01 PM
Hi! This issue still persists - when will there be a resolution
06-12-2023 06:40 PM
I have the same issue. I have a device that no longer have and I cannot delete it from my Google home..
07-11-2023 11:05 PM
I have someone on my TV YouTube that has a setting or account think with my WiFi that I can't remove
09-10-2022 09:26 PM
Hey folks,
We understand how this is important for you and we appreciate your patience. Our team is actively working on the issue and rest assured we'll update this thread once we have an update.
09-10-2022 09:44 PM
I've seen so many threads about this, and a bunch have been locked without the issue being addressed.
So folks, keep reporting it until it's fixed. The only way to ensure it's being actively worked on is if it's being actively complained about.
10-18-2022 03:58 AM
So how hard is the team working on this? I have the same issue and was reading through this thread, and noticed that there is no resolution after such a long period. I assume the engineers are quickly working on an update for the next pixel phone. I have several devices I wish to remove because they died or I gave them away to someone else. So having them on my Google Home or re-creating a new home just to remove the few items I’m not using is crazy. What happened to just creating a checkbox to remove?
10-24-2022 06:15 AM
i have been back n forth between Google, internet provider both device manufacturers it's not getting fixed .my tv is a brand new tv worked just fine until I was stupid to add Google internet router, and my Acer Chromebook laptop was just manufactured not even a yr ago. I'm out ALOT of $$$ . thanks Google I can't get my warranty on either it's not a device issue, somehow it's on your end...
12-12-2022 04:34 PM
Hasn't and doesn't do crap!