We have no answers from Google since a long time here. Some time on boot
I do have a IPv6 adress but it doesn't last long. If you need an IPv6
adress then send you're kit back... Sorry
The funny thing is that the Nvidia shield can disable IPv6 use and if I
do it, then I got IPv6 instead of ipv4.... Maybe an upgrade of Android
tv an help too.But it seems that nobody from Google will answer us
Thats weird the nest wifi add both ipv4 and ipv6 adresses to my android
devices and it seems the problem came from here, for a day i was having
the oqee app working on ipv6. For now the promblem came back still no
ipv6 available (and i haven't touch ...
Hi, I still don't have IPv6 working on the nest wifi.I found that for a
few minutes my Android tv show me a IPv6 and the app I wanna use (oqee)
work.And then suddenly I got a new ipv4 adress and everything stop
working..... Any fix ???