I bet it is the "shrink-flation" of the batteries. Company put less
power i.e. 60% less energy of batteries power into the "same
unit/product" compared to 7 yrs ago. Just like Mars bar the other day I
saw on youtube, same price for now it shrink so m...
Just paid $27.00 (that is another price for Smoke Alarm Detector made in
Mexico) for FUJITSU Batteries on Amazon 2 pac of 4 or 8 pieces = $3.375
each piece! Made in Japan. Will update in 45 days.
i think this one will do the job.
i think this is the problem of "shrink flation battery capacity" and
"made in China". All batteries are made in China include Energize and
Duracell. The battery few yrs ago with a lot of charging capacity now
even with Alkline batteries "made in Chin...