Has there been a solution to the talk and listen function with the
Google door bell yet? Still can't hear visitors loud on my Samsung phone
unless I turn off Bluetooth.
Hi, is there a way to get visitor announcements on your nest hub when
pressing eufy doorbell? There is no option when I select the doorbell
tile in the home app but I can view the camera by manually selecting it
on the nest hub screen.
Has anyone worked out the Bluetooth issue? I have s23 ultra and if I
leave Bluetooth on than doorbell sound comes through earpiece like your
on a normal phone call but turn Bluetooth off and it comes through
phones bottom speaker.
Yeah I'm still having the same problems with it not being loud enough on
phones or when using mic for talk back the person at my door can hardly
hear me.
There is 3 phones in the house and all Samsung's, S10, s20 and a note 20
ultra, all on android 12. The volume options are at full. Tried it with
a iPhone or pixel 7 and it's fine.Seems to be a problem with Samsung