Just installed Google tv streamer today and cannot find the home hub! I
looked in the shortcut option, but I can only do a favorite app or
device inputs! Help!
On 11/22 I tested my connection and it was 250 on a 1gig fiber. I
purchased a different wifi, looking to return the nest Wi-Fi pro. I went
to disconnect the Wi-Fi pro on 11/23 and thought i would do one more
test and got 750! I tested it quite a few ...
On 11/22 I tested my connection and it was 250 on a 1gig fiber. I
purchased a different wifi, looking to return the nest Wi-Fi pro. I went
to disconnect the Wi-Fi pro on 11/23 and thought i would do one more
test and got 750! I tested it quite a few ...
I had that problem with the nest wifi i just replaced. Both of my points
would disconnect constantly and had to always reset them. I haven't had
that problem with the pro yet... I hope I don't.
I agree, it is a decent price for what it "should" be. I'm going to give
it a little while since I have an extended return date. I would like to
stick with Google/Nest if I can since I have been sucked into the whole
Google ecosystem. It just sucks f...
This is NOT affecting a small number of users and is NOT concentrated in
the UK. Have you just copied another persons post elsewhere, because it
suspiciously looks the same. Get your facts right and read all the
comments before you post. Thanks!