I've had the same issue for a while now. I only have one chromecast
audio in the group but after a certain period of time, usually around 24
hours, starting music on the group only plays on the chromecast audio.
If I remove it from the speaker group ...
I have been thinking the same thing regarding the ACCC, this behaviour
would not be allowed by a manufacturer if it was any other kind of
product that did not have magical auto-updating software. If your coffee
machine with an expected 10 year life s...
I've done that. Pulled out my old WRT54G so there is a dedicated 2.4GHz
network that only has the Google speakers on it. There may be slightly
fewer dropouts but it doesn't change anything regarding the speaker
groups, it's still a mess.
It boggles the mind to consider that a company of this size that
produced a series of products that worked perfectly well for some years,
or at least the speaker groups did, could end up in this situation where
they apparently have no real idea of ho...
Going to add a me too here. My Nest Hub v1 has exactly the same issues.
I've had it running for years with a Chromecast Audio and Nest minis of
various ages with no problem at all. Then suddenly the same issue. No
changes with any of my infrastructur...