Starting around two weeks ago, after years of proper functioning, my
Google Home devices no longer tell me the time or weather when I ask.
Instead they respond "I don't understand". How do I fix this? Thanks for
your help.
Actually the response from the speaker is better than the response from
the phone, which just shows search results! And I previously tried
removing and re-adding my home address, it didn't fix anything.
Thank you Muddi for trying to help. All of a sudden today the command
"what is the time" works properly. The command "what is the weather"
also works but the form of the answer is different from before, instead
of just answering with the weather, the...
One more datapoint: when I ask my Nest devices to play music, it plays
the album music by madonna now - it used to just play music that it
picked. Same request through my phone works correctly. I think maybe
Nest is being strictly literal and isn't b...
Hi Muddi, I tried the sequential reboot and it didn't fix the problem. I
also tried deleting my address and then adding it back again.I'm located
in the US, the issue started about a month ago. My phone will tell me
the weather when I ask, but unlike...