Is fixed with compilation STTE.230319.008.H1.10319030, then factory
reset, use the android google HOME app and finish the setup.Some still
had problems, but change the language to english on the setup seem to
pass OK, then change to your native langu...
Is fixed with compilation STTE.230319.008.H1.10319030, then factory
reset, use the android google HOME app and finish the setup.Some still
had problems, but change the language to english on the setup seem to
pass OK, then change to your native langu...
Is fixed with compilation STTE.230319.008.H1.10319030, then factory
reset, use the android google HOME app and finish the setup.Some still
had problems, but change the language to english on the setup seem to
pass OK, then change to your native langu...
Is fixed with compilation STTE.230319.008.H1.10319030, then factory
reset, use the android google HOME app and finish the setup.Some still
had problems, but change the language to english on the setup seem to
pass OK, then change to native language.R...