Hasn’t for years at this point. Wyze cameras only work on Google Home
Android. iOS, well there was some blame game going on, but now it
appears to be a lost cause, like so much these days.
The Wyze cameras will not show up in Google Home on iOS. Zero chance of
that working I am afraid: "Live video unavailable. The camera may be
unreachable or saving battery" is the message, it should just say
"Feature does not work on this platform". I...
Having been with Wyze and Android and iOS for years, I can testify that
it only works completely with Google Home and Android. iOS will not load
the video. Who isn't doing their job to make this happen I think is
still up for debate, but it simply do...
Juni,Thanks for the assist. I won't follow up. Already too time
consuming. Hopefully someone with the same problem with more time on
their hands can help it get solved. Could be on the Wyze end. I have no
idea. Good luck and I do enjoy the product. T...