So, I'm not sure if anything changed, but it seems like all of my
devices are now functioning correctly without me having to do anything
else. Maybe I just got lucky or maybe it's an anomaly, but it's been a
couple of days and everything is functioni...
It's sad to me that you clearly want to be so angry, and that you do so
without the basic empathy that makes us human, but that is entirely your
choice and your right. I choose to try to understand the struggles that
other human beings endure, but if...
Every day or two I get copies of frustrated and angry replies about this
issue, and read new and different ways for people to say that Google
doesn't care about them, and there's probably an element of truth to
that. As an individual, I'm sure that t...
I don't know if this will work for you, but opening the Home app in the
morning fixes the issue temporarily on all the devices (ten of them) in
my house within ten seconds. I'm eagerly awaiting a fix, but this
workaround is at least getting me the fu...