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Community Member
since ‎09-02-2023

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  • 5 Posts
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Heya!Is this the right place? If not, please move topic. I consider switching from Alexa to GoogleHome, but there are a few drawbacks i would like to bring up and hope you consider adding/changing these points: 1. The "Add Action" button should be on...
Morning!Short: Color change commands are not working when executed via GoogleAssistant but working with GoogleHome.Replicate:Routine/Action named "light test":If i tap the "play" icon within the Google-Home App to start the routine containing the com...
Heya!I grouped some smart bulbs and switches, like "living room", "dining room" etc.Looks like i cannot use groups within actions/routines to switch a room on and off ?Seriously?TnxRichard
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