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Community Member
since ‎11-15-2023

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  • 23 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
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  • 1 Kudos received

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I've got an EKyro garage door opener set up with 2 scenes in the Smart Life app. Right now the scenes only use the opener. One scene opens the garage door and the 2nd scene closes the door.I then created 2 household automations that activate the scen...
This is my automation:metadata: name: Announce when laundry room lights are on description: This is mostly for debug...lights are coming on randomly. automations: # ---- STARTERS ---- # starters: - type: device.state.OnOff state: on is: true device: ...
I have a Roku stick plugged into my very old tv. The Roku stick is plugged into a wall outlet so it has power all the time.When I first connected my Roku stick to google home, I could turn the t.v. off/on using google home and voice commands. Sometim...
I'm not sure if I'm posting to the right forum. This is a question about Automations for Google Home on Android.I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S23.I have an automation as follows:When arriving within 400m of home announce "have you checked the mail today...
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