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Community Member
since ‎11-21-2023

User Statistics

  • 52 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
  • 38 Kudos received

User Activity

Second fail today - well done google. Following the inability of google assistant to play a film from Disney on a hub max, I thought I'd watch on TV via chromecast instead. The last time I tried the command 'play Star Wars Episode Four on Bedroom TV'...
Today's google assistant fail is that it won't play films on Disney Plus any more. The usual command 'hey google, play Star Wars Episode Four on Disney Plus' has always worked fine. Today google assistant responded as usual with 'OK, playing Star War...
We all know that google assistant has become unreliable, glitchy and annoying but now it’s unsafe.We have a playlist called ‘bedtime songs’ that my seven-year-old daughter plays every night.Tonight google assistant responded to the usual command of ‘...
Google assistant gets worse every day. The latest issue is that devices won't stop playing media. I've never needed to do anything more than say 'hey google, stop' to end music or other media playing on any device but since yesterday that doesn't wor...
Why have routines stopped working properly? I have used a number of routines as reminders for several years. I always use the same specific media track as an action because it starts quietly, so isn't intrusive if I'm in a virtual meeting at the time...