I fully agree, customers should not need workarounds to use products
they purchased. My Google Home speakers had this feature at the time of
purchase, and taking it away is poor business practice. Is Alphabet not
able to support their own products? I...
Yeah I don't know what's wrong with google - between making racist AI
and disabling great services like music alarms, and Google Play Music,
it seems they are more invested in making racist AI than supporting
their once-great features and software.
I agree, I hope Google reconsiders this decision and adds music alarms
back to their speakers. Radio alarms aren't new, I had one more than 15
years ago
Please add the music alarm feature back to the Google home speakers.
Very disappointed in Google's decision to remove the feature, and with
next to no explanation. Will reconsider before purchasing more Google
smart speaker products, I used this feat...