Google, how have you not yet updated the Google Home App to allow users
to bypass the "connecting to assisting device" step and manually enter
the WiFi and other config details?? It's simple, if assisting device is
unreachable after the first try, al...
@Brad , yes please do tell what Google's official answer is. And how are
we trying to connect to an assisting device? Is it over WiFi or over
Bluetooth? To me, the solution is quite simple: allow users to bypass
connecting to an assisting device and ...
This worked for me!! Many thanks for sharing! Saved me $100!! (and I was
just about to give up and call in a Google Nest Pro technician). Much
appreciated!I went to "Chime Duration" and temporarily enabled
"electronic chime" so that I could set Chime...
@MplsCustomer , that's a very sound theory, but i'm afraid proximity to
the existing camera is not the answer. I thought of that too, and
relocated my new camera within 10-feet of the existing camera (thinking,
like you, that perhaps it had to be wit...
Definitely a Google software bug. The workaround, as Hancfo states, is
to delete the existing camera, add the new one (which was giving you
trouble), then go back and add the previously existing camera. I think
the reason this works is because the pr...