The reason almost everyone on this thread bought it because of the
shortcut function, that is what we are complaining about. But Like I
said earlier they are still advertising that it is one shortcut button.
I would think a company as large as Goggle could actually advertise when
the update is coming out instead of having some moderator say it is in
the next release. Next week, next month, next year? But why think
logically, Google advertised and sold th...
Thank you for your response but that is not a workaround. Google is
advertising one thing , one button push for Google Home to show up on
the TV, and that does not work. The "workaround" would be at least 5
clicks to get to Google Home showing up on ...
Happy New Year ! Any updates? It has been a month. To add more
frustration , my home button stopped working. I had to turn the power
off to the Google device, the TV and to the Verizon cable box. It came
back to working....but a few days later the sa...