@sininspira and @Agriffo13 have you already added your devices to the
Google Home App?I have access to https://home.google.com (preview) with
my google account, pretty straightforward.
@Irievibesender Thanks for sharing the link, it is better than
nothing!Google Home for webHowever, it doe snot have a history look-back
feature neither for new cameras or old cameras,
I believe every one of us wanted to see the video feeds in our
browser.Also, how do we share ONLY the video feeds with someone? without
using the Nest App?It's been over 12 months, just when are we going to
see any update at all?Maybe all of the orig...
@ShawnT Not just Engineers. Have we seen their PR staff telling us
anything over the past 12 months?NOTHING! Absolutely zero update
whatsoever!@Irievibesender Don't hold your breath, until we see any real
action happening.If anyone here knows any pop...