Ours was doing this for about nine months. It also wasn't following
directions the first time it was given a command and was giving us error
messages every time we asked a question, telling us there appears to
have been a problem, please try again in...
What questions or commands are being asked when this issue occurs? -This
problem occurs regardless of the question being asked such as, "Hey
Google, how's the weather today?" or any prompts such as "Good Morning,
Google", "Hey Google, play country mu...
I have no idea why it switched one of my emojis to a symbol for a female
and changed the other from a woman with a purple shirt to a guy or a
girl with shorter hair in a gray shirt. (I can’t tell on my phone screen
lol). Heck, event the Google FORUM ...
Surprised to read this has been an issue for “years”. We’ve had some of
our devices for years (since that one Christmas when it was a hot new
gift item) and some are much newer. This is a pretty new problem for us
(maybe a couple months?) yet ALL of ...