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Google Account Support

Community Member

This is probably not the right place to post about this but I NEED help with getting my account back and google support is absolutely HORRIFIC, I've reached out to google asking to help me get my account back but it seems that all these big multi-billion dollar corporations somehow are either underpaying or not paying anyone at all to help, I haven't hear back from them in MONTHS. I've lost an account and can't access it anymore because I didn't add a recovery option (my fault ofc but that doesn't excuse the horrible customer support). If anyone is able to help me with this or send me an email THAT ACTUALLY WORKS, I would appreciate it. Thanks.




Unfortunately, I think what Google provides is this Google Account Help page:

They say on this page "For your security, you can't call Google for help to sign into your account. We don’t work with any service that claims to provide account or password support."

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,


@FeetLover, thanks for reaching out to the Community. I wanted to check in and see if you’re still in need of any help. Have you had any chance to see MplsCustomer’s response above? If yes, how was it?


Also, while we don’t support retrieving your password, we've got your back and can guide you.


Thanks for the help, MplsCustomer.


