10-05-2022 12:46 PM
In order to get my project [homeassistant-????? (hidden)] working, I had made a couple more projects previously. I have since deleted them (many, many months ago). When I go into the GOOGLE HOME app on my phone and use the "Works with Google" option, they are still listed. but give error when choosing.
How do I get them out of the list? The app is used to allow my HomeAssistant software to talk to Google Home to control devices within. It uses a linked service account and API token to do this. (see the attached file) -- when choosing one of those, a black band appears at the bottom, FAILED TO REACH 'PROJECT NAME'
I had deleted them many months ago, they are not showing in the 'Pending Deletion' list - that is empty. They only show when I go to the "Google Home" app on my phone and choose "Works With Google" they appear.