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Presence Sensing isn’t showing up in Google Home Settings

Community Member

I have Google Home configured for my home. It includes several lights and a Nest thermostat. I have “Home” and “Away” routines setup to modify light settings and Nest thermostat settings. This works fine for me and my iPhone 14 Pro. Presence Sensing works as designed. My wife is also part of the household in Google Home. She has full access to all devices. However, Presence Sensing doesn’t work for her iPhone 13. When I check the Presence Sensing settings within the Google Home app on my phone, it shows her phone as “Location access off”. I verified that her location services are enabled and that location is set to “Always” for the Google Home app. When I open the Google Home app on her phone and go to Settings and check “Home Features”, it does not even list Presence Sensing as an option. I’ve tried removing/re-adding her to the household. Nothing seems to work. I searched for this problem in the Google Community and the only solutions I found were: 1) It mysteriously started working for unknown reason and 2) someone had to create a manual Home and Away routine in order for Presence Sensing to show up in the settings. I tried manually adding a new routine but nothing worked. Is there a step I’m missing or doing wrong? Or is this just how Google Home works/doesn’t work?

Jeff Lackey