03-06-2023 05:00 AM
I recently posted a question as I was having an issue whereby my hub would not find my light when setting a sunrise alarm even though it works for voice activation and is in the same room as the hub. Unfortunately the thread closed before I had time to respond to the help being offered. I can actually see the light now as I didn’t have the hub down as in the same room (in error) however although I can now see it and also select it and set when setting my alarm the light does not come on in the morning?? The brand of bulb is a LVWIT set up using the Tuya smart app
03-17-2023 07:45 PM
Thanks for creating another thread and providing detailed information on your issue. A few questions: are you able to control the light using the Google Home app? How about its native app? Also, which Nest display are we working with?
You can reboot your Wi-Fi router to refresh the signal, and once the network is back up, do the same thing on your Nest display and lights to refresh the devices, then try the feature again. Relinking the light might help too.
Keep me posted.
03-20-2023 08:02 PM
Hi there,
It's me again. I want to make sure you're all good — how did the steps go?
03-21-2023 08:08 PM
Hello there,
We haven’t heard back from you, so I'll be locking this thread in 24 hours. Feel free to create a new one if you have other concerns in the future.