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Problems with Chromecast TV

Community Member

Problems with Chromecast TV
Although the location USA is indicated in my account, I cannot use YouTube TV. It refuses to call me because of the wrong country code. 

Everything works perfectly in the web browser and on the mobile phone, but the same message "wrong country code" is always displayed on the TV. I also did a Chromecast reset and reinstalled it several times on different TVs

Thx for help


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there Markus-R,

I apologize about the late response on this thread, thank you for being patient! Were you able to fix that location issue? If not, I'd be happy to help out, as I can imagine it's pretty confusing. Let me just ask you some questions about what's happening:

  • When did this issue start happening?
  • Is this issue only happening within the YouTube TV app?
  • Do you have your location set in the Google Home app?
  • Have you cleared out the cached data in the YouTube TV app?
  • What troubleshooting steps have you already tried?

I look forward to your response, and if you have any other questions or concerns for me, please let me know!

Best regards,

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Markus-R,


Since this thread hasn't had activity in a while, we're going to close it to keep content fresh. 


We hope you were able to get the help you need from the info provided by Jeran but if you're still having trouble, please plug the Chromecast into a different HDMI port on your TV. Leaving it unplug for 24 hrs might also help. 


If you have other questions and concerns, feel free to submit another post and provide as many details as possible so that others can lend a hand.


Thanks for the help here, Jeran.


