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Community Member

Hey Google Nest Community,


You’ve probably seen helpful comments and posts from Product Experts, but have you ever wondered how to become one? Let’s go over the Product Expert (PE) program and what benefits it can have for you and the rest of the Nest Community.


You’ve probably seen helpful comments and posts from Product Experts, but have you ever wondered who they are or how you can possibly become one? Well, look no further, we’re here to give you all the details. Let’s go over the Product Expert (PE) program and what benefits it can have for you and the rest of the Nest Community.


What the Product Expert program is all about

PEs are a core part of what makes the Nest Community so great. It’s all about helping out others and showcasing your passion, by answering questions in the Community and offering tips so users can make the most of their Google Nest products. PEs can also earn special badges and perks as they go!


Let us know you’re interested in becoming a Product Expert

It’s an easy process to let us know you're interested. Just tell us up to 3 products you’re the most interested in and which languages you prefer. Then, simply start getting involved by adding useful answers and tips! The more helpful answers you contribute, the more recognition you’ll gain.

You can even join our Monthly Newsletter to stay in the loop about the PE program in our MBG communities. 


Perks of being a PE

Each badge comes with its own perks:

  • Bronze - Automated entry-level. Regular activity and at least one Recommended Answer will get you started as a high-performing community member.
  • Silver - If invited, you'll have a Silver Product Expert badge in the Google Help Communities you help, gain access to a private community of PEs to meet and learn from each other, and a direct connection to Googlers, so you can get product updates and provide feedback.
  • Gold - All above perks plus an upgrade to a Gold PE badge in your Google Help Communities, invites to Virtual Hangouts with Googlers and fellow Product Experts, and eligibility for beta testing.
  • Platinum - All above perks plus a Platinum PE badge, along with additional opportunities to contribute and connect with Google.


Are you intrigued to become an official Product Expert? We hope so! Whether you are an avid Google product user or just starting your collection, we would love to hear your voice, watch you grow, and provide a helping hand in the Nest Community. 


Interested in other communities like, Pixel Buds, Stadia, Pixel or more? Check out our additional Communities on our support page.


Get started today, share your thoughts or help a fellow member in the Community. We look forward to seeing you around! 


The Google Nest team





Community Member

I have a question that maybe someone can help me?? How do I enable my camera within my Google Max?? 

Not applicable

Help! How to get un-involved? I've been looking at everything in the help section but there is no information on how to close this account.

Not applicable

I was googling for information about Nest thermostats firmware 6.2-22 and clicked on a search result that after a few seconds was locked by a screen asking to type into a field. I wasn't even aware I was signing up for one more account in my life.

How do I delete this account??

Google delete this account, I didn't sign up for this.
Community Member

Are “Product Experts” trained by Google and given greater knowledge of setup issues and errors?

I’m interested in voice activation, voice match, transcription and routines, and would love to close the gap between “ask anything” to “I don’t understand”.  I’m tired of “computer says no” responses like in the Little Britain comedy show and would love to give feedback beyond the few seconds recorded and sent off without playback or copy sent to the sender.

Community Member
Hi good mooning. I'm yusufa sani salehkadage i wish you best.
Community Member

How to reduce motion  sensitivity for Drop Cam pro

Community Member

can somebody help me because when i'm watch you tube on my chrome book and when there are ads its a just black screen and the ads don't say skip. And the ads are very long its always like 1 minute until it end so if anyone knows how i ca fix my problem please tell me.

Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

Hello Leticia,    Thanks for creating this thread and de-mystifying some of how this all works.

I would like to suggest that you create some visible way for people reading these posts that "Product Experts" are not Google Employees and are end users just like they are.   I have noticed after reading 1000's of threads in the last 6 months that many people are confused by who (IE Google employee or end user like me) is responding to them and with what authority.  


Community Member

why doesnt google pay employees to actually answer the questions being asked?
instead of trying to get help from members of the community?

seems to me you lean heavily on early adopters and google fanboys/girls/etc 

win win for google. They dont need to actually help, community don't get paid, end user confused and goes away.

how's about google step up to the plate and actually start answering some of the tough questions being asked on these fora? - namely around the sh!tshow from the fall out of the Sonos lawsuit?!

we need answers from actual experts on Google not self proclaimed "Product Experts"

Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

c0sm0naught:  YOU ARE SPOT ON!   And I would add that the few times I have actually had human contact in google regarding NEST Camera products II get someone that clearly knows less about the product that I do.  They inevitably go down the scripted path of "Are you on the latest version", "Have you tried Rebooting" or my favorite, "Have you tried completely wiping your iPhone and re-installing everything from scratch".   What they don't seem to understand is that most of us do that BEFORE we call them in hopes that we can avoid calling them in the first place because we know how painful the call will be. 


Community Member

@Leticia @GoogleNestTeam @User123456 @RachelC 

are you guys seeing this?

a little back and fourth may be worthwhile, it would go a little to showing us you are at least taking our comments on board and actively giving us a reason to put up with these products as they stand and keep them in our homes/work. For a LOT of people this downgrade means our speakers,TV's, amps, etc are now worth less and don't fill their intended use.

At least if we know you're working on a fix (paying Sonos as an example) we wont have the expense of switching eco-systems - which, I imagine, would be bad for you in the long run.


Ignoring us may make us get bored and go away - but at least in my case, I wont be back to buy any more of your products.

Community Member

@EmptyNester @Leticia @c0sm0naught @Nam5276278 @زينبحامد , thank you for letting me have the opportunity to be apart of the Google Nest Community! Hopefully we can collaborate on some more things. Have a good day, and always be safe😁

Best Regards,

Antonio Andrew Tobiness

Community Member



Community Member

I have a Google. Nest hub max and I can't get pass the Almost Done  screen to finish setting up my unit. How do I get pass this the finish setup bottom on the screen is not working I have reset it several upplug it from the back of the unti as well as the wall nothing how can I fix this issue

Community Member

I got a new WIFI router and now my Google Mini won't connect to my new WiFi. I've tried the following:

1. Installed Google Home on my Android phone.

2. Used Google Home to add the device.

3. Unplugged everything (mini, router) multiple times.

While I'm going through the setup, I can hear the proper sounds as though it's connected; however, each time when I get to the end of setup, I get a message that it can't connect to the WiFi. 

Please advise.

Thanks in advance!

Ed Batolo


Community Member

Setting up a new location.  I have Nest Hub and Mini setup, but while trying to set up the Yale Nest lock I can't get the Nest Connect.  The stupid thing will not go to green in the setup process.  I have tried everything in troubleshooting.  I'm getting close to blowing this thing up.

Community Member

I have a Nest 3rd Gen learning thermostat controlling a geothermal heat pump.  I also have a hydronic floor heating system.  Will the Nest control both systems, or do I need a 2nd Nest?

Community Member

ربما تكون قد رأيت تعليقات ومنشورات مفيدة من "خبراء المنتجات" ، ولكن هل تساءلت يومًا كيف تصبح واحدًا؟ لنستعرض برنامج Product Expert (PE) وما الفوائد التي يمكن أن يقدمها لك ولبقية مجتمع Nest.

ربما تكون قد رأيت تعليقات ومنشورات مفيدة من "خبراء المنتجات" ، ولكن هل تساءلت يومًا عن هويتهم أو كيف يمكنك أن تصبح واحدًا؟ حسنًا ، لا مزيد من البحث ، نحن هنا لنقدم لك كل التفاصيل. لنستعرض برنامج Product Expert (PE) وما الفوائد التي يمكن أن يقدمها لك ولبقية مجتمع Nest.

ما هو برنامج "خبير المنتجات"

تعد PEs جزءًا أساسيًا مما يجعل مجتمع Nest رائعًا للغاية. يتعلق الأمر كله بمساعدة الآخرين وإظهار شغفك ، من خلال الإجابة على الأسئلة في المجتمع وتقديم النصائح حتى يتمكن المستخدمون من تحقيق أقصى استفادة من منتجات Google Nest الخاصة بهم. يمكن لأصحاب المشاريع الخاصة أيضًا كسب شارات وامتيازات خاصة أثناء ذهابهم!

أخبرنا أنك مهتم بأن تصبح خبير منتجات

إنها عملية سهلة لإعلامنا بأنك مهتم . فقط أخبرنا بما يصل إلى 3 منتجات تهتم بها أكثر واللغات التي تفضلها. بعد ذلك ، ما عليك سوى البدء في المشاركة عن طريق إضافة إجابات ونصائح مفيدة! كلما زادت الإجابات المفيدة التي تساهم بها ، زاد التقدير الذي ستكتسبه.

يمكنك أيضًا الانضمام إلى النشرة الإخبارية الشهرية للبقاء على اطلاع حول برنامج PE في مجتمعات MBG الخاصة بنا. 


Community Member



Community Member


Community Member

Few days back i reset my phone and when i tried to re sign my gmail account in phone i found that i have forgot the password. When i tried to reset password, i verified the OTp over my phone no, but after that gmail is asking to verify the otp from the account which i am recovering.(as it is not logged in) now i have tries resetting it many a time now it is showing too many attempts please try after some hour from last few days. Please help me as it really important account.


Community Member


Few days back i reset my phone and when i tried to re sign my gmail account in phone i found that i have forgot the password. When i tried to reset password, i verified the OTp over my phone no, but after that gmail is asking to verify the otp from the account which i am recovering.(as it is not logged in) now i have tries resetting it many a time now it is showing too many attempts please try after some hour from last few days. Please help me as it really important account.

Community Member

Sair my account recovery please sair  recovery account and verify account add account me #########



I signed up for the Product Expert program on Dec. 11, 2021, using the same gmail account I use in this forum, but your Product Expert program treats the Product Expert profile it created is somehow completely separate from the  "MplsCustomer" profile I already have in this Google Nest Community, and acts as if I haven't posted anything, even though I'm using the same gmail account I use in this forum, and even though I was able to change my Product Expert profile name from "Mpls User" (apparently left over from a few posts I made starting in April 2020 in the old Google Nest Community) to "MplsCustomer".

When I visit my profile on the Product Expert page, it seems it's crediting me with only one post, a few replies, and a few "upvotes" in the old Nest forum, and nothing at all in this Google Nest Community forum.  When I visit my profile on the Google Business Profile Help page (, it lists my posts in the old Google Nest Community but all the links are broken.

Is it possible to get things in sync, please?

Community Member

Hi @MplsCustomer, Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, the other platform you referenced has been decommissioned. We launched this new community for its more robust community capabilities. While the two platforms sadly don't sync, we're excited what this platform brings to our community. 


All community members' progress is tracked on their profile page, which can be viewed by tapping your avatar in the top right corner and selecting My Profile.



I think you may have misunderstood my problem. I registered for Google's Product Expert program in December 2021, but that program recognizes NONE of my posts in this Google Nest Community forum. I'm using the same gmail account and profile name ("MplsCustomer") for both. If I log in at (the program to which you invited us) , it reflects NONE of my contributions in this Google Nest Community forum.

Community Member

مرحبا، انا جديد في المجتمع سعيد جدا بوجودي هنا، جاهز بالتأكيد للمساهمة في برامج جوجل .



Can you please answer my Feb. 7 question on why my Product Expert program profile is not working?  I first posted the question on Feb. 3.  If I go to, it does not show any of my contributions in this Google Nest Community.  Thank you.

Community Member

@MplsCustomer We’re sorry you were misled, but signing up doesn’t guarantee you become a PE. As for the Nest PEs that are part of the program, points are pulled manually because the platforms don’t sync.



Well, that seems quite odd. If signing up for PE does not enroll someone, then you probably should not send an email saying "Welcome to Google's Product Experts Program!" email right after someone signs up.  And you probably should not provide a "Product Experts" link that displays a "Product Experts" page saying "Product Expert since April 2020" with a "My Progress" section that hasn't changed since I signed up in December 2021. I guess I'll just continue to ignore it. Thank you for clarifying.

Community Member

I see.  So even though I signed up, I can't reply to this person who's locked out of their account, and that's why I keep receiving the message (You must be signed in to post.).  Maybe I'm doing something wrong.  Anyway, they'll just have to go with waiting for someone else to answer, and depending on the response of the person who replies, they may never get their account back.

Community Member


But those who contribute by signing in to the Google Product Expert Program by themselves, can't they get the Silver Badge? 


And if he wants to help in the community, then how does the Google team invite him? 

Community Member


Community Member

Thanks you 

Community Member

how can i change from bronze to silver 

Community Member


How farkng amusing..















Community Member

I am very happy to join this PE community