06-30-2024 07:12 AM
I have three 1st generation wired Nest cams that I cannot get to connect to my new 5G Verizon internet. I have disabled SON, which I read online would help, but that did not work either. I keep getting error messages that my camera cannot be added to my Nest account. I also tried adding it through my Google Home app but then it refers me back to the Nest app. Has anyone else ran into this issue?
06-30-2024 07:35 AM
Unfortunately, Google Nest does not make it easy to update camera Wi-Fi settings. That's why their first recommendation when getting a new router/modem is to set the network name (SSID) and password to the same values used on your old router/modem.
If you can't do that, for some older 1st gen Google Nest cameras and doorbells, you may be able to go to Settings | Home info | Home Wi-Fi help in the Google Nest app and update your camera's Wi-Fi settings.
If you can't do either of these, then the process for older 1st gen Google Nest cameras and doorbells is to remove the camera or doorbell from the Google Nest app while you are still on your old Wi-Fi network (the only way to factory reset older cameras), and then reinstall the camera or doorbell in the Google Nest app.
07-03-2024 04:05 AM
Unfortunately none is this worked and ended up having to get new cameras. After Nest making it so difficult, I bought a different brand that connected instantly.