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2nd gen Camera (battery): no notifications


I have just bought a 2nd gen battery Nest camera.

It installed correctly in Google Home, all push notifications are set correctly, events are correctly logged... BUT... I do not get any notification. After installing the camera I managed to get a couple of notifications but then no other notifications are being received. The "only when away" option is disabled, so I am supposed to get notifications always, regardless if someone is at home or not



By the way, same problem on my wife's iPhone.


I've just noticed something strange: if I keep camera off for say 1/2h, when I turn it on and walk in front I do get the first notification but not the other ones, even if the motion detections are correctly logged.


Is there a cool down period?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello thegios,


Thanks for reaching out here in the Community. We understand how important it is to have an active notification. Let's try the steps below.


Give these steps a try:

1. Try turning off and on the notification settings of your Nest Camera from the Google Home app.

2. Make sure that the notification of the Google Home app from your mobile phone's settings is enabled.

3. Try reinstalling your Google Home app to make sure you have the updated version.


Because Google Nest attempts to send you the right number of alerts at the right times, the camera will trigger a short cooldown period each time a notification is sent. While the duration of the cooldown period varies by alert type (e.g. person, sound, motion, etc.) the behavior remains the same. Once an event begins, an alert is sent and the cooldown period begins. Until the cooldown period expires without any new activity of that type, no new alerts of that type are sent. If notifications aren't sent because of a concurrent, higher priority alert, you'll not be notified until the cooldown for that event expires, and a higher priority event is no longer detected.


