09-03-2023 08:32 AM
Since Nest support for these cameras is going away 4/24, can I use the camera with any other streaming system? They are very good cameras and I hate to lose them.
09-03-2023 08:40 AM
As far as I've seen, there is no way to do that. Dropcam only works with the Nest app.
09-03-2023 08:50 AM
*sad face* thank you for your answer
09-03-2023 06:32 PM
Dont throwthem away just yet marlenehubbell. Theres an opensource movement to get this problem figured out since google is saying to go fill the world with more ewaste since you have all these working products they don't want to support anymore, may as well throw them in a landfill.
09-06-2023 07:53 AM
What is an opensource movement? And what should I follow to see if anything changes?