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Camera Notifications Setup missing

Community Member

Hi group 

I want to setup movement notifications for my 2nd generation camera in the Home app. I can create a zone but the button to turn notifications on or edit notifications for this zone is missing. I can only change the color of the zone or delete it. 

I have first generation caméras with the Nest app in another home and it works perfectly there. 

What I'm missing with the new camera in the home app?

Thank you 

2 Recommended AnswerS


In the Google Home app for your camera, under Settings | Video | Video history, what option do you have selected?



View Recommended Answer in original post


Problem solved. Video event history wasn't activated. Now I can see and activate all options. 👍


Thank you so much 


View Recommended Answer in original post


Community Member


 here is a screenshot 



In the Google Home app, go to your camera, and go to Settings | Events | Seen events, select a zone, then turn on an event, and then you'll see an option to turn on notifications.  So you can flag events without also getting notifications.

Thank You

but the problem is I don't see the events to turn on. There is no option. Just delete the zone. I can't turn on events. 


If I go to our battery camera or 2nd gen indoor camera in the Google Home app and go to Settings | Events | Seen events and select a zone, I get a screen like the one below. And if there are no zones set up, then the Seen Events screen looks as shown in the second screen.

And if I go to Settings | Notifications, I can also turn notifications on and off there, as shown in the third screen.


Thank you again. The problem is I don't see all the options. This is what I see at settings/zone/seen events. Does notifications only works with aware. I don't need vidéo recording. Just notifications 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,

@Babette_Black thanks for reaching out here in the Community. To confirm, do you have the public preview of the Google Home App? With or without the Nest Aware subscription, you should be able to get the notifications. Keep us posted.

I appreciate the help, MplsCustomer.


In the Google Home app for your camera, under Settings | Video | Video history, what option do you have selected?




Problem solved. Video event history wasn't activated. Now I can see and activate all options. 👍


Thank you so much 


Hey there,


Sounds good! As we got our resolution here, I'm going to mark this thread as complete. I'll be locking this thread if we won't hear back from you again in 24 hours. Should that happen, feel free to create a new one if you have more questions or have other concerns in the future. 


Thanks for the help here, MplsCustomer and Emerson.

