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Camera lens scratched

Community Member

So today when my son was going to school, he came back on to hand me my Nest doorbell and said it had fallen off and was on the porch.

The round disc for the button press became dislodged and there were minor scratches.  The disc stuck back on no problem, the scratches to the body are fine as well.  My issue lies with the lens.  I thought it was just dirty since the centre of the display was dull and blurry looking.  I cleaned it, but it did not help.  I tried a few more times only to come to the realization that the lens is now scratched.

The doorbell has been mounted for 3 months and there were no issues.  I never had any issues in the previous 7 months either.  Is there any sort of warranty for this?  It is 10 months old. 

Thank you.

1 Recommended Answer



You could try contacting Support ( to see if they'll replace the doorbell. There are numerous posts in this forum about the battery doorbell falling out of its mount, or difficulties trying to remount it after charging the battery.

View Recommended Answer in original post




You could try contacting Support ( to see if they'll replace the doorbell. There are numerous posts in this forum about the battery doorbell falling out of its mount, or difficulties trying to remount it after charging the battery.

Thank you for the information.  I contacted support and chatted with them.  My doorbell will be replaced.


Thank you once again.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,

@Sheesh, thanks for reaching out here in the Community and for sharing your update. We’ll consider this one complete so let us know if you have other questions or concerns as I will be locking this after 24 hours. Feel free to start a new thread and we'll be happy to help.

I appreciate the help, MplsCustomer. 
