a month ago
These are the Google Home Help Instructions to Download/Save Nest Event Videos on Ipad/Iphone...
Note: You can only download video clips from detected events in the video history. You cannot download video clips from footage with no activity. The maximum clip length setting for your camera or doorbell will affect how long video clips can be.
Follow the steps below to create and download a video clip:
And YES all devices/software are up to date...
Answered! Go to the Recommended Answer.
a month ago
Bronze; That helped, thanks. I did not necessarily follow your train of thought but something you wrote made me wonder if it is an issue with the old Nest cameras vs. the new Google cameras and that IS the problem. I have 5 of the old Nest cameras and 2 of the new Google cameras. This Google acquisition has been a nightmare due to incompatibility between the 2 generation cameras and apps. I transitioned over to using the Google Home app and drifted away from the Nest app because that is the only way I could work with all 7 cameras in the overview screen. I get what you get on the 2 new Google cameras but not on the old Nest cameras. On the old Nest cameras I get what I described above.
Soooooo, now I have a ton of events over 4-5 days I need to download/save so that task just got more complicated.
As I understand it now, I will have to use the Nest app to save clips on the old Nest cameras and I will have to use the Google Home app to save clips on the new Google cameras. Thanks Google!!! ;-((
PS!!! As a side note, with the Google Home app and the Google cameras it is going to be a pain in the A$$ to save dozens of Events, one at a time. Is there no way to select whole time chunks at once to download/save???
Thanks again, Bronze
a month ago
The "Controls" icon is three horizontal lines; they appear in the lower right corner of the screen when an event is selected. When you click or tap on that icon, you then get a pop up window with several options, including "Save clip". I just tried it on my iPhone and iPad to make sure it worked as stated.
a month ago
I guess I was not clear, sorry but I do have the 3 horzontal lines at the bottom right BUT the only choices I have are; "Turn off" & "History". NO "Save Clip"...
a month ago
Here we go with semantics so let's just be clear, in Google Home it is not called a clip (That is Nest app), it is called an event. It may say "clip" in your world but in my world everything is called an "Event"...
The "Save clip" may exist but not under my 3 lines...
a month ago
Let me add the following to help what I am seeing; when I pick an event, pick the 3 lines at the bottom right, I choose "History", then my choices at the top are; "Devices", "Events". "Date". So I pick "Events" and I get choices of types of events but this is immaterial. So I pick a "Date" then "OK". Works great but never a "Save Clip"???
a month ago
First, we are NOT on the beta "Public Preview" version of the Google Home app.
In the regular version of the Google Home app, they call it "Save clip".
If I go to our plugged-in 2nd gen Google Nest Battery Camera in the Google Home app and do NOT select an event, and then click on the "Controls" icon, I get only 3 options:
- Turn off
- Familiar face
- History
If select "History", I get the "History" screen shown below:
History Screen
If I select any of the events shown on the screen, and select the "Controls" icon, I get the screen shown below, with these options:
- Save clip
- Turn off
- Familiar face
- History
If I use the Devices, Events, or Date options at the top of the "History" screen (I never use them), and navigate to another selection of events, and select an event, and select the "Controls" icon, I get the same screen shown below. And if, on the initial screen I get after going to our camera in the Google Home app, and select an event, and then select the "Controls" icon, I get the same screen shown below.
In other words, any time an event is selected and shown on the screen (and starts playing) and I then select the "Controls" icon, I get the same screen shown below.
Screen with "Save clip" option
a month ago
Bronze; That helped, thanks. I did not necessarily follow your train of thought but something you wrote made me wonder if it is an issue with the old Nest cameras vs. the new Google cameras and that IS the problem. I have 5 of the old Nest cameras and 2 of the new Google cameras. This Google acquisition has been a nightmare due to incompatibility between the 2 generation cameras and apps. I transitioned over to using the Google Home app and drifted away from the Nest app because that is the only way I could work with all 7 cameras in the overview screen. I get what you get on the 2 new Google cameras but not on the old Nest cameras. On the old Nest cameras I get what I described above.
Soooooo, now I have a ton of events over 4-5 days I need to download/save so that task just got more complicated.
As I understand it now, I will have to use the Nest app to save clips on the old Nest cameras and I will have to use the Google Home app to save clips on the new Google cameras. Thanks Google!!! ;-((
PS!!! As a side note, with the Google Home app and the Google cameras it is going to be a pain in the A$$ to save dozens of Events, one at a time. Is there no way to select whole time chunks at once to download/save???
Thanks again, Bronze
a month ago
We've been using BOTH the Google Nest app and the Google Home app since Sept. 2021 when we bought our Google Nest Battery Camera and discovered it does not work in the Google Nest app (with our other cameras and doorbells) but only in the Google Home app. The 1st gen cameras and doorbells do appear in the Google Home app but yes, as you've discovered, they are only fully functional in the Google Nest app.
It is possible to sign up for the beta "Public Preview" version of the Google Home app, which has been in "preview" status since November 2022. And then it is now possible to individually "transfer" 1st gen Google Nest cameras and doorbells from the Google Nest app to the "Public Preview" version of the Google Home app. We have not done so because I keep seeing problem reports in this forum from customers who have transferred their cameras, and because the Google Home app still lacks many Nest app functions:
So we continue using 2 apps.
4 weeks ago
Thanks again for the info. Since I use my Windows laptop and 2 different iPads to view my cameras, I think I will download the Public Preview vesion on one of my iPads to test it out. However, as usual with Google's products lately, their Public Preview link does not even work...
"Sorry, this page can't be found. This page doesn't exist in Google Nest Help. It may be deleted because the feature doesn't exist anymore, or the URL may be incorrect."
It never ends with Google and I cannot undestand how they have succeded with this junk! The Nest acquisition was the worst that could have happened to it. Unfortunately, with 7 old/new Nest/Google cameras already installed it will be too expensive to start over with another vendor, but that day is coming soon...
Thanks again for your help
PS. I did not get any responses to my question...
"As a side note, with the Google Home app and the Google cameras it is going to be a pain in the A$$ to save dozens of Events, one at a time. Is there no way to select whole time chunks at once to download/save???"
4 weeks ago
So I find another way to get a Public Preview download link and that also fails...
"The caller does not have permission"???
It never ends!!!
4 weeks ago
We are not on the "Public Preview" version. Were you going to Settings | Public Preview in the Google Home app when you got the "Sorry, this page can't be found" and "The caller does not have permission" errors?
I think the way it is SUPPOSED to work is that you click on that option and you then REQUEST access to the "Public Preview" version and Google Nest grants you access when they are ready, and you need to be on the latest version of the Google Home app (version 3.28.102?) in order to request access.
Google Nest has this blog post on accessing the "Public Preview" version:
I have seen several recent posts from customers getting the "The caller does not have permission" error. It seems possible causes include trying to use a Google Workspace account instead of a personal gmail account or being signed onto more than one Google (gmail) account at the same time on your phone or mobile device.
I don't think it would work well to have one of your devices on the "Public Preview" version and the rest on the regular version.
I didn't respond to your question about bulk downloads of video clips/events because I am not aware of any way to do that. To the best of my knowledge, downloads work as described in this Help topic:
4 weeks ago
I don't get that option and there is no way I see to REQUEST access to the "Public Preview" version!
I give up on this Google piece of **bleep**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 weeks ago
Forgot to mention that I can get to "https://groups.google.com/my-groups" but all I see is a few existing groups but AGAIN, no link to join or create my group! Junk, pure trash!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 weeks ago
If you select Settings in the Google Home app and scroll down past your devices and past your home features, do you NOT get this "Public Preview" option?
I don't use Google Groups, so I can't address that issue.
Settings in Google Home app
4 weeks ago
Yes, sort of. My end does not look like urs but I do get a "Join Public Preview" at the bottom right. It's where I have found a couple different links to it but this one gives the message "The Caller does not have permission"; the only pick is "OK". Then some text at the bottom of no significant info...
4 weeks ago
As I mentioned earlier, I've seen a few (maybe 3?) reports in this forum regarding "The Caller does not have permission" error message, and in some cases it apparently occurred when the customer was using a Google Workspace account or was logged into more than one Google Account on their phone. If that's not happening in your case, then I don't know what's going on; maybe there are other conditions that cause that error.
4 weeks ago
Bronze, thanks for the reminder but I don't have a Google Workspace account and I am not logged into more than one Google Account...
Anyone want to buy 7 Nest/Google used cameras?