09-03-2021 03:23 AM
Cameras allow you to select between notifications for people, any other movement and/or sounds. Considering Nest has familiar face functionality I'd appreciate more granular options with people notifications. At the very least it would be the ability to switch off notifications if the camera sees a family member, but could extend to on/off notifications for each familiar face. Essentially, I very much want to receive a notification if a randomer is creeping up my garden in the dead of night; I would also rather not receive 14 notifications as my wife walks in and out of the house while gardening.
10-05-2021 09:30 AM
This is exactly the feature I need, particularly with work from home. I keep getting alerted to family members working at the kitchen table.
10-20-2021 12:55 AM
I don't understand how this isn't a feature. I too am sick of the 50 notifications I get all day from my partner walking in and out / around the house.
I only want to see notifications from people that haven't been identified as familiar or family
10-31-2021 09:17 AM
Would like to see this feature as well.
10-31-2021 07:37 PM
Likewise baffled this isn't the default function
11-02-2021 01:22 PM
What is the point of the familiar face detection if I can't turn off notification of those faces? I only want an alert if someone who doesn't belong in the house comes in. Please add this feature. 🙏
11-06-2021 09:21 AM
I agree. This should be the standard not an added feature.
11-09-2021 06:43 PM
I could not agree more. Just outfitted our entire house with new Nest/Google smart devices and am completely shocked there isn't a way to turn off notifications for familiar faces.
11-17-2021 11:32 PM
I was gutted this wasn't a feature, but I assumed, and still hold out hope that this will become a feature in an update
11-26-2021 09:44 AM
I'm going to send mine back, having found this out
11-30-2021 04:03 PM
I will be sending mine back as well. I've wasted enough time and money.
11-27-2021 06:02 AM
Plus one for this feature in the next update. Look and listen Google.
11-27-2021 02:32 PM
I have four of the IQ cameras and need to eliminate notifications for certain familiar faces. Help Google!
11-29-2021 08:22 AM
Google, if you ever read these, I'd like to note that this feature ommission is costing you money. The trial of "Nest Aware" was marred by notifications that my kids were (*gasp*) playing in the yard. I'd be happy to subscribe to Nest if it could actually serve as a safety monitoring service. As it is it's only spam.
12-01-2021 06:14 AM
Agreed. There should be controls to list some familiar faces as family and not notify or just turn off notification for individual people.
12-02-2021 06:56 PM - edited 12-02-2021 06:56 PM
What is the point of familiar faces, if not to ignore the notification? Happily willing to pay the subscription just to ignore the familiar faces. I guess Google/Nest doesn't need my subscription.
12-04-2021 04:11 PM
Agreed and an option to notify if familiar home or away
12-07-2021 09:01 PM
Without being dramatic, I'm pretty bloody desperate for this. I actually thought that this is what the familiar face detection meant when I invested in the nest cams. It's SO frustrating that it's not possible. It's such a no-brainer! The current all or nothing notifications gives me more than a little bit of buyers regret.
12-08-2021 08:20 AM
ok thank you very much :D!
12-16-2021 10:44 PM
+1 from me
12-17-2021 10:02 AM
Familiar face notifications should ABSOLUTELY have separate notification settings. Should include the Home/Away modifier, general on/off option, time windows, etc. This seems like a pure software & data filtering oversight, and not a device hardware limitation. Without these, the familiar faces software tech is more gimmick than useful tech.
12-20-2021 05:54 PM
12-29-2021 06:35 PM
Not sure what this is about. I don't know what to think of this
12-30-2021 08:45 AM
It’s simple. For example, I have multiple outdoor cameras. I get 3-4 notifications each time my wife uses the hot tub. I know she is using it. Why do I want notifications for something I know about. The Nest app has great facial recognition and identifies people. I only want notifications for strangers. Many of us want the ability to silence notifications for certain people. This is too nice a system not to have this feature!
12-23-2021 12:11 PM
I'm paying additional for the familiar face feature. While it works well 97% of the time, I would really like the ability to ignore household members from the notifications. Like the boy who cried wolf, I've found that you start tuning out to the notifications because there are so many. And the one you miss is that package delivery you've been counting on for the last 3 weeks! Please make this a feature! Even if it's not perfect, it's better not to be notified of 90% of household members comings and goings then when you get a notification, you know it's likely something worth your attention.
12-25-2021 01:22 PM
Exactly the same experience I'm having. Whilst at work I get many notifications as family members are at home so I've just ignored them all. Problem is that if they went out and someone broke in, I wouldn't know. It is useless having this familiar faces feature if we can't get anything useful from it.
12-26-2021 02:29 PM
"Boy who cried wolf" is exactly the way to describe the problem. Perfect analogy! I spend so much time dismissing notifications telling me that my wife is in the back yard that when there is a notification telling me a stranger is breaking in I'll almost certainly dismiss it without thinking out of muscle memory!!
12-26-2021 04:17 PM
I get so many notifications I automatically dismiss them all. I'd miss any actual break-ins. I suppose it would be best to block notifications from the camera and just look at the recorded footage if I find a break-in has occurred.
12-28-2021 12:37 PM
+1 why would I ever want my phone flooded by notifications that my family members are still home
12-29-2021 06:15 AM
Count me in for separate UNFAMILIAR Face Detection notifications
12-30-2021 07:41 PM
I vote for this feature too. Just bought the Nest floodlight cam and keep getting g notifications of family faces. Why do I need that?
12-30-2021 08:43 PM
I am also surprised this feature doesn't exist. If I walk outside I get 3 notifications as I pass the doorbell then the garage, then go around the side of my house. At least let me turn notifications off for my family.
01-01-2022 08:22 PM
As a sentient being I don’t need Google’s ARU (Artificial Remarkably Unintelligent) telling me I’m on porch. My spacial awareness runs on actual intelligence. As others have said a Nest subscription is useless if it just going to send endless notifications of where household members are. The day Leatherface strolls through the front door revving his chainsaw I’ll completely ignore this, the 37th Nest notification of the morning.
01-03-2022 12:44 PM
Just purchased and would like to see this added as well.
01-04-2022 04:42 AM
I just purchased as a year as this is exactly what I thought it was. My neighbours either side of me are in the same family and they walk across the front of my house 5-6 times a day. I bought the Nest Aware to stop notifications on them just to find that's not it....terrible
01-06-2022 05:51 AM
صحيح موقعها خارج المنزل وهي تساعدك في رصد الغرباء او المتسولين او احد السوانات البريه فكن مطمأن لانه قوقل اتيه بقوه هاذه المره✌️
01-13-2022 10:43 AM
Seriously...do Google programmers not actually use their own devices? Feels like the only explanation for this being coded the way it was
01-15-2022 06:51 AM
I also agree this needs to be added as a feature, it is the only way to take advantage of face detection. Useless without it. Thirty "person seen" notifications...ok let us look at them "all" individually and make sure they all belong there. Not good.
01-16-2022 02:40 PM
Good Grief Google! Apparently people have been asking to be able to filter out familiar faces in notifications for years.
It is incredibly easy for them. They know the face is in the familiar faces database. So it is a matter of adding one IF/THEN/ELSE statement to the code.
Right now the logic looks like this: Event-See a Face Action-Notify.
If should read: Event-See a Face; IF Face is Familiar THEN Do Nothing ELSE Action-Notify.
Google is one of the most sophisticated software companies in the world. It makes me wonder if Google management uses their own equipment, and if maybe they enjoy being notified every time they themselves, or anyone they know, is walking up to the door.
01-16-2022 07:10 PM
Made an account specifically to add my voice to the many.
It's only been 1 day since installing my Nest camera's an already I'm frustrated with the amount of notifications I've received of my wife wandering around the house. I'm tempted to turn off notifications altogether but this would defeat the purpose of having the cameras entirely.
We really need the functionality to filter notifications to only include people who are NOT familiar faces.