11-07-2023 02:41 PM
So I have been trying for weeks now to install a nest doorbell. Tried to install it, can't communicate with google. I tried looking at threads that have the same problem and the support staff doesn't reply for like a week, then closes the thread. So I thought that I would get the professional install. Guy gets here, same result. Says that it doesn't work because I have a pixel and they don't work to install google doorbells. WTF? So I find an old samsung, have him come out again, same result. I try creating a whole new home, use both the samsung and a pixel, same result. How can a company suck so bad that their equipment can't communicate with their own equipment. So now I'm stuck with this POS doorbell that even their professional installers can't get to work and I'm rethinking what ecosytem I want to build my smart home in now.
11-08-2023 09:01 AM
Hi Bsqrd,
Thanks for posting here in the Google Nest Community. We're sorry for any trouble this may have caused you. Let's look deeper into this. Please answer the following:
I look forward to your response.
11-09-2023 04:26 AM
I have a wired 2nd gen. Purchased from Google. Blue. Something like "can't connect to Google" or something, I don't remember the exact phrase.
11-21-2023 10:41 AM
Hello Bsqrd,
Thanks for the update. Sorry for the delay. Let’s reset the doorbell to factory reset and try to pair it again. Follow the steps below:
Once done, double-check the app and make sure that the device is not added to your app before trying to pair it again.
Keep us posted.
11-08-2023 01:12 PM
I have a wired 2nd gen. Purchased from Google. Blue. Something like "can't connect to Google" or something, I don't remember the exact phrase.