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Home won’t add Nest camera and deploy software

Community Member

Looking to get some assistance. I purchased and installed a battery camera for my. I followed the directions to ensure it was installed properly and can confirm it turns on/gets power.

During installation (after I scanned the QR code), I received a notification that the camera needed to download an update (which stalls at 2%). I've tried everything from restarting the device, resetting the router, moving the router to the room closest to my camera - nothing helps. Have already done a factory reset and yet again, the software update gets stuck at 2%.

I had my wife download the app and try to install on his phone but he too, gets stuck at 2% for the software update.

Any and all insight is greatly appreciated, I really just want the product I purchased to work.

1 Recommended Answer

Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

Hello,  I'm an end user like you.  Have you tried the update again today?  Sometimes I have seen the Google Servers have 'issues' that resolve after a few hours or a day.

If it still won't update here is how you can get help from Google:

 Here is a link that will let you open a support ticket.  Once you answer the questions you will be able to escalate to a phone call with a tech person if you want to.

Once you have this resolved please return here and let us know what the answer was.

View Recommended Answer in original post


Silver Product Expert
Silver Product Expert

Hello,  I'm an end user like you.  Have you tried the update again today?  Sometimes I have seen the Google Servers have 'issues' that resolve after a few hours or a day.

If it still won't update here is how you can get help from Google:

 Here is a link that will let you open a support ticket.  Once you answer the questions you will be able to escalate to a phone call with a tech person if you want to.

Once you have this resolved please return here and let us know what the answer was.