06-08-2022 08:14 AM
anything on getting these cameras on the Nest app. Funny how a nest cam doesn't work with Nest App. I really don't like google home for my cameras and read that they would be integrating these with the nest app sometime this year.
06-08-2022 08:30 AM
Yep, not sure why but they forced new cameras to use the Home app without telling anyone and it not being ready. Surprise, your new Nest camera will not work with the Nest app that has more features and has all your other Nest cameras in it. Not sure what they are thinking.
Main issues so far:
Random dropouts, no video recorded.
Can't look at the cameras on your PC.
Can't make clips of your video that you recorded with your camera. Can only make clips of events it's marked as events.
They really need to let people store the video locally and or on a cloud service of their choice.
06-08-2022 08:49 PM - edited 06-08-2022 08:50 PM
It’s actually quite the opposite. Google has dropped all support for the Nest App with the cameras released in 2021. They only work with the Google Home App. Previous generation cameras still work with the Nest App and can be migrated to the Google Home App. I agree that the Nest App is far superior however no new cams support the Nest App.
06-09-2022 11:38 AM
Google Nest, in this Sept. 29, 2021 post, has promised adding Nest app functionality to the Google Home app: "we are committed to bringing the experiences and Nest devices you have come to love in the Nest app into the Home app" (https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Blog/Message-from-our-GM-Updates-for-our-Nest-customers/ba-p/...).
And in this thread yesterday, June 8, Google Nest Community Specialist Axarco said this: "In the near future, we’ll allow users to set up previous Nest devices and have full control in the Home app" (https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Home-Automation/When-will-the-best-app-and-google-home-app-be...).
06-15-2022 09:13 AM
Hi there,
Just checking in to see how the conversation is going as there's been a lapse in activity on this thread.
Best Regards,
Thank you for your help, @Rubes and anyone else who contributed!
06-18-2022 08:41 PM
Hi there,
We haven't heard any updates from you. Please let us know if you still need help as we will be locking this in 24 hours if we won't hear back from you again. Feel free to start a new thread and we'll be happy to help.
06-18-2022 10:49 PM
Why just lock everything? Can't you just leave this open for people that have the same issue later instead of having many many many threads on the same issue?
06-21-2022 02:46 PM
Hey Tanquen,
We hear you. Our team is working hard to deliver the best experience for our users — we'll take this as feedback.
We apologize if this thread will be closed sooner than you would have liked. As Community specialists, we occasionally do a bit of housekeeping to keep the conversations in our community fresh and relevant. This includes locking threads after a period of inactivity.
We invite you to search the Community to see if a discussion is open and ongoing about your topic. If not, feel free to start a new thread.