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Nest camera with floodlight issues

Community Member


I have a doorbell camera and a nest floodlight camera working on my google home app. I have tried 5 times, with 5 different cameras, setting up a 2nd nest floodlight camera. Everytime I install the new camera in the app, only the camera shows up, and not the floodlight. The camera is showing up as a battery camera with no floodlight. The only way I can install it on the app is by plugging it into a wall out let. When it is hardwired the camera does not power on. I find it hard to believe that 5 cameras have not been programmed properly. I have spent 11 hours with google support and nothing is working. I have power going to the camera. I am an electrician, so we cancel that part out of the troubleshooting. Has anybody had this problem? Can anyone help please? I have a 6th camera on its way. After this I’m getting rid of these cameras if I can’t get this to work. 




If you go to Settings | Device information in the Google Home app, what does it say for "Model" under Technical information for both your existing floodlight camera and your floodlight camera? I don''t know whether that will necessarily tell you anything because I don't know if Google Nest treats the floodlight camera as a separate model. Our battery camera says "Model: Nest Cam (battery)".

It says nest camera battery. It’s suppose to say nest camera floodlight. That’s part of The problem. I’m almost certain it’s a programming issue . 


Does your working floodlight camera ALSO say "Nest Cam (battery)"?  If the working camera is labeled correctly, then maybe Google Nest has a whole batch of misprogramed floodlight cameras and you've been getting them.

The working camera says nest cam battery for the model. Under the device features, it says flood light as one of the features. All the other ones I have been getting does not have a floodlight feature, and are missing the floodlight tile that is suppose to be next to the camera tile.


It's astonishing that this has happened 5 times. From the rest of your description, especially the fact that the camera will not power on when connected to the floodlight base, I guess I'd wonder whether the problem is not in the camera itself, but in the base unit that contains the floodlight.

I understand you're an electrician, but are you certain there is nothing about the wiring of your second floodlight that would prevent power from reaching the floodlight base unit?

There are numerous other posts in this forum from customers who are getting low battery warnings from their floodlight cameras. Since they are hard-wired, that simply shouldn't happen. We've had a battery camera for 18 months, plugged in with the optional power cable, and the battery has remained charged--as expected. Floodlight camera customers also report their cameras going offline, and their floodlight component not working. Perhaps there are defects in the floodlight base unit that can prevent power from reaching the camera, as well as defects that can prevent power from reaching the floodlight component, and that's what you are encountering.

Sorry for all the theorizing. None of the replies in this forum from Google Nest staff have shed any light at all on why so many floodlight cameras have problems.

Good luck with your 6th camera.

Thank you. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,

Rolex123, checking in — how’s it going? Could you try to factory reset your camera, reinstall it and choose Nest Camera with Floodlight as the product on the given options? Let me know how it goes.


Thanks for the help here, MplsCustomer!




Have done this over and over with all 6 cameras. One camera wouldn’t even reset. 5 have been returned. Just got my 6th. Hopefully my luck will change with this one. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey Rolex123,


Got it — were you able to add your 6th camera? Let me know if you need help.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


It's me again. I want to check if you still need help. Don't hesitate to reach back if you do. 



Finally got one to work thanks

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Rolex123


I’m glad your issue is resolved now. I’ll keep this thread open for one more day. If you need further help, let me know.


