04-08-2024 08:37 AM
Hi. I'm trying to find an offer in my email for a replacement for my old dropcam. Can someone please help?
04-08-2024 09:04 AM
Hi xtianseel.
I appreciate your enthusiasm to receive the promotion for your Dropcam. Help's here. If you can't find the email containing your promotion code, please contact us through this form for further assistance. We'll verify if your Dropcam is eligible for a replacement and provide you with the information you need to redeem the promotion.
Let us know if you have any additional inquiry.
04-09-2024 09:52 AM
I also need replacement cameras, my subscription still has 6 months to run, I count on these cameras to keep an eye on the safety of over 30 horses please answer as soon as possible
Linda G
04-10-2024 08:43 AM
Hi Lindaglow,
Thank you for being part of Nest Aware. I understand that your cameras are important for safety purposes, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. It is a pleasure to help.
In case you can't find the email containing your promotion code, which was sent in April of last year, please contact us through this form for further assistance. We'll verify if your Dropcam is eligible for a replacement and provide you with the information you need to redeem the promotion.
Keep us posted.