05-30-2024 12:50 PM
Suite au changement de box Internet , Ma caméra n’est plus connectée au wi-fi.
Comment peut-on faire à partir de l’application Google Home ?
D’autre part, j’ai perdu les l’étiquette avec le QR code et il n’y a pas le code sur la caméra comme indiqué sur la notice. Pour pouvoir paramétrer le wi-fi, je suis bloqué si quelqu’un pouvait m’aider s’il vous plaît.!
merci d’avance
Answered! Go to the Recommended Answer.
05-30-2024 02:44 PM
Google Nest does not make it easy to change Wi-Fi settings.
You need to remove your floodlight camera from the Google Home app and then perform a factory reset on your floodlight camera. See the instructions in this Help topic (after the "Restart" instructions):
You will need to remove the power cable from the bottom of your camera in order to see the 6-character alphanumeric setup code that you will need to enter instead of scanning the QR code when reinstalling the camera. See the video on this Help topic, at about 1:22. The actual code is smaller than what is shown in the video:
05-30-2024 02:44 PM
Google Nest does not make it easy to change Wi-Fi settings.
You need to remove your floodlight camera from the Google Home app and then perform a factory reset on your floodlight camera. See the instructions in this Help topic (after the "Restart" instructions):
You will need to remove the power cable from the bottom of your camera in order to see the 6-character alphanumeric setup code that you will need to enter instead of scanning the QR code when reinstalling the camera. See the video on this Help topic, at about 1:22. The actual code is smaller than what is shown in the video: