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Chromecast w Google TV frame rate stutter

Community Member

This happens across all apps some more than others.

I am using the Google TV interface.

This was not an issue with the Chromecast 3rd gen when I cast from my iphone.

1 Recommended Answer

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


I'm sorry for the late response. This has been forwarded to the team and they're looking into this. I'll loop back in once we have an update about this.




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750 REPLIES 750

Community Member

Is there manual setting work ? 
like I see Disney i put 50hz

i see prime, I put 24

i see Netflix I put 60 etc....

Community Member

Just contact their support so they can fix the problem 👍 more ppl report the problem better 🙂

Community Member

Wow ever since the latest update for the regular HD GCWGTV I've had two full on crashes of the whole device, using Discovery+ and a Dutch TV service from Ziggo. It seems next to not being able to playback video smoothly it gets worse. And it drops the internet connection as well, while in fact the router and connection are fine.

Community Member

Same for me . Contact support and reportage the problem . So they can fix this mess they made .. 

Community Member

We got the newest update on our GCWGTV 4K Friday and while we did not crash (it was a big/long update though), it did not fix any of this problem. Watched Picard on Paramount and Maisel on Prime last night and both stuttering so much I felt a little epileptic after finishing, definitely not a pleasant viewing experience. I left feedback on both to Google again through the system, but this is probably my 10th feedback and never heard a peep back from them.

Community Member

Just curious... Did you try and adjustments to the frame rate? Having mismatched frame rate will cause judder. Stutter is normal. Frame drops are a real problem...

Community Member

No, I didn't have this problem for a year + and everything played perfectly that whole time so not interested in manually going into settings for every show I watch now because Google broke something.  Honestly, even if I wanted to (I don't), I don't know what setting I select for which show - I have always had this set to 4K 60hz because my TV supports that and it played without problem for  a year.   

Community Member

There are lots of changes going on with how android / google TV and the client apps handle frame rate. I didn't understand all of this when I started complaining.

I expect Google may be ignore complaints about stutter as it is normal. And judder is fixed by changing the frame rate. I've just been trying to get people to notice the difference between stutter, judder and frame drops. 

But the frame drops, those are a real problem.


Community Member

I guess  i am very fortunate.  I do not have any sophisticated technology to deal with and the latest update seems to have fixed all my stuttering issues on two different Chromecast's on two older TV sets.  I am a happy camper.  Hope the rest of you get your issues resolved soon.  I feel badly for you.

Community Member

Hello, long update here. What the version fix your problem please?

I am on Stte221215.004.A1 , keep « never » choice for option on gcc adjust frequency....

Community Member

@Vintage : you said : judder is fixed by changing the frame rate.

Must change on each movie? If I look Disney for exemple, which frame rates choose?

Actualy, my old tv are on 1080p 60hz if I look info menu on the tv

Community Member

You want the ChromeCast to match the source frame rate, not the TV. And you want to set the CC to the program frame rate, what service doesn't matter. Ex. Disney may offer programs at 24 and at 30, etc.

Here is my understanding. Note that it isn't consistent.

Movies are typically 24.0 fps (from the cinema)

Programs that came from North America broadcast TV (NTSC) is usually 23.97 or 59.94

Programs that came from outside of North America broadcast TV (PAL) is usually 25.0 or 50.0

Programs that were produced by streaming companies may be 30 or 60 fps.

Sometimes audio that slowly goes out of sync can be caused by the difference between 23.97 and 24 or 59.94 and 60.

Some boxes (not the CC) will tell you the source frame rate. 

Just to repost from earlier:

Just top be clear, some definitions:

Frame drops: Scene freezes for a moment, happens occasionally and unevenly. A character on the screen might be talking, and then their lips stop moving for a moment, and then the video catches up. Happens unevenly. Is caused by one or more video frames being missing.

Judder: seen repeatedly and evenly as the camera pans across a scene or as an object crosses the screen. Like a little constant skip that you see when the camera pans: skip...skip...skip...skip... This is caused by a mismatch between the source content and the display. Modern TV's with high frame rates have ways to fix this. 

Stutter: Like a very fast very even "Judder". Seen in fast panning shots as a constant little skip between every frame. Caused by the quick response time of OLED TVs: There is a harsh sudden change from one frame to the next and the viewer can see this with quick panning shots. Sometimes alleviated by features like black frame insertion or motion smoothing.


Community Member

If I cast from my Apple iPad the same movies on Disney On gccwgtv no more judder.

i put your définition. On google translate and it judder my problem. 
In my case, Netflix is ok, why? But Disney is not watchable.

Community Member

Call it judder/stutter/frame drop/catnip/ whatever you want.....the bottom line is the device was working perfect this time last year and now it is a mess.  

Watch any of these shows on my Samsung TV apps and no problem. Watch on CCWGTV 4K and a mess.

The problem is the CCWGTV

Community Member

They did make changes and it is a mess. But some of the changes were "on purpose", sadly. Others are actual bugs. The consumer shouldn't have to figure out or understand the difference.

Community Member

You are exactly right.

Community Member

The issue is the android 12 software update.  Nothing else!  Google has everyone in here wasting their time.  There is nothing you can do.   Nothing.  I repeat...this issue was caused by the android 12 update.  Plain and simple.  "Hey Google  Fix my (our) **bleep**ing Chromecast!"


                           Signed tired consumer 

Community Member

Something is not working on Google. There is no response on this website, it seems that they have not heard of the problem and their new version Android TV 13 is available earlier on TVs that are not Google than on their own devices Chromecast with Google TV.  I can´t understand it.

Community Member

They have heard of the problem and are working on it. A Community Specialist responded this in another thread, 3 weeks ago:

Community Member

I will become epileptic. My young children don't see the problem.
My wife is fed up with me repeating that it's not going well.
Long live google and its law of silence.

Community Member

Someone’s can said why Netflix don’t suffer judder like Disney or Prime on my gccwgtv?


Community Member

Hello, have contact French support google this week.

After 2-3 mails, advice like reset router, chromecast, check if update, conclusion is :

check with your internet provider or app développer..... not a google problem.....

definitly do to Apple like many people here....


Community Member

Yeah I did that with no fix . It is a google problem . GOOGLE need too contact the app developer nut us . 

Community Member

I replaced at home the CC  but I take it with while i'm traveling. I used it yesterday on two TVs. First one was on OLED Full HD : everything worked fine (1080p60fps) no stutter, even the menus were more responsive.

The other one was a 4k OLED with Dolby vision (4k60fps) : same show, same app, this time the menu was laggy and the movies was not smooth and i encountered stuttering while watching.

I will continue switching between those TVs this week and see if what I noticed reproduces.

It definitely is a performance issue introduced by android tv 12.


PS: I know the problem also occurs on the Full hd version of the CC, but I guess they scaled down the specs on this one explaining why the non optimised software makes it dropping frames as well.

After 4 days of use I can confirm that i did not experience any frame drops on 1080p 60 fps (limited by the tv) whereas i witnessed some on the other TV setup for 4k 60fps.

I mostly watched Apple TV + (liaison and Teheran).

I did not try to downscale the resolution on the 4k TV. Did anyone try to downscale the output to 1080p 60fps ? 

I know it's a pity if you paid for the 4k version and have a 4k TV but if it works for others it could help google finding the issue started with this android 12 update.


Community Member

Glad it worked for you @Playmo77  Unfortunately I have experienced dropped frames on both my 4K and 1080p TVs (4K CCWGTV).

Also noticed it while watching 1080p content on the 4K screen.

Dropped frames were noticeably worse at 4K but still present in both. 

Community Member

Too bad I had hopes for this one

thanks for sharing 

Community Member

Read on other website made a twice hard reset solve problem comes after Android 12....

think I try this tomorrow.....nothing to loose...

Community Member

Tried it on both of my units at home, did not solve the problem for me…

Community Member

Good luck tried that . Waste of time . But you can try it 😊

Community Member

It's misinformation.  That only reinforces factory defaults.  The issue is in the android 12 firmware.  Factory resets do not manipulate firmware.  No matter how many times you do it.

Community Member

I have raised a ticket with Google support and after providing a video of the "stuttering" they started processing a return/replacement. 

I will update if/when it is replaced and whether it fixes the issue. Maybe there is a bad batch of CCWGT out there that Android 12 exposed.  Will see.

Community Member

Hope it works . 🙂

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Did you get your new one?  Did it fix the problem?

Community Member

Haven’t got the replacement yet. 

Community Member

Keep us informed BK.

Can you share your video?

Community Member

I am experiencing the same issue described, Sony A80J television with Google TV built in.

Community Member

Feel sorry for you been waiting for a fix for over 2 months . Report the problem too google support and hope they will fix it ...

Community Member

Yes I was at my parents house yesterday and they have a TCL TV with Google TV built in. Same problem. 

Community Member

Double reset : wast of time, not fixed at all.