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Chromecast w Google TV frame rate stutter

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This happens across all apps some more than others.

I am using the Google TV interface.

This was not an issue with the Chromecast 3rd gen when I cast from my iphone.

1 Recommended Answer

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


I'm sorry for the late response. This has been forwarded to the team and they're looking into this. I'll loop back in once we have an update about this.




View Recommended Answer in original post

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Since November 2022, no fix.

We are on official google support forum, nobody of google answer us.

Stop to hope, the best solution is put this device on the garbage 

For google, no problem, I directly contact us and internet provider or apps was the problem....of course of course


Community Member

I think google will never fix the android tv 12 problem. They will directly launch android tv 13 final version. Android TV 12 is a disaster, the proof is that the latest xiaomi mibox recently released has google tv 11 and not google tv 12. They don't want problems.

Community Member

Have search for version 13 but no release date found. 
V12 comes end 2022 don’t hope v13 quickly.

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Not seen any update in my cromecast yet . Fingers crossed . Anyone istalled this and tested it ? 

I don't have the update yet, but I'm hoping so hard that this fixes it

Community Member

Read the news, nothing about our problem but we can test 🙂

Can not found number version for the may update .... have you found it?

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Anyone else feel like the issue has been resolved with latest update?  Been testing without issue.  Very smooth on all content.

24fps content on HBO working for you? The worst for me was the last of us. No update on mine yet this week

Criminal minds on Disney was just awful.  I use that to test when receiving updates.  I haven't been able to re-create, since updated (Tuesday)

Community Member

Can you provide your version number @oilfan77 ? I tested mine this morning and there seemed to be an improvement, but I’m not sure I even got an update. So it may return to its old tricks soon. 

Community Member

Yes pls want also the build number 😊

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Community Member

Just checked the building number I am using and it is: 


I know it was updated last month just not sure when.

Still have a few problems -  picture stops but dialogue continues.

Community Member

Thanks all. That’s the build I have. I think stuttering is fixed. But still experiencing the odd dropped frame. Definitely an improvement. 

Community Member

Well after roughly three hours of no stuttering it is back for me. Will be progressing with my return. 

Community Member

Fix for 3 hours and come back? (Shuttering), it’s strange.

Update not available for me (Europe) can’t test but wait your return and your feedback

Community Member

Yes. Same happened last update. It’s as though the update clears the cache or something, improving performance for a short period. If you read through this thread you will see others reporting the same experience.

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Ok..... so definitely I buy an Apple TV.

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Sister act on Disney.... want to share this movie with my young children, shuttering very much. 
Someone’s have the last update « smooth and more space » ? Do you know the version of this update?

Community Member

I am also having this same issue.  Sometimes the audio drops out as well.  Sometimes it's just dropped frames.  I reported it to support, and got no useful response.  I tried turning frame matching on/off, with no effect.  I tried turning dolby vision matching on and off with no effect.

Meanwhile, my Firestick 4K Max works great.

Community Member

Hello, have post a question at google support. 
The update « smoother » will arrive.

They said one week after an announcement, the roll out comes..... suspens

Community Member

So, I think I've solved my issue. I normally use the ethernet adapter you can purchase from the Google Store. On a whim, I unplugged the ethernet cord to force the use of WiFi. Dropped frames and jutter gone. Kept using it for several days without any further dropped frames or jutter. I thought maybe it was a coincidence and there was an update that solved the issue. So after 3 days without issue, I plugged the ethernet cord back in. Shortly theater, dropped frames and jutter is back. So it appears it is the ethernet adapter. I'll keep testing and update but seems to have solved the issue. 

I had the issue via Wi-Fi. 5ghz max signal strength. But for now for me it is also good in the past few weeks.

Community Member

Already on WiFi in my home.

Have buy ethernet option cable but not plug in.

Tested on 2.4 or 5ghz, chromecast is near of my router.

Community Member

I've also been experiencing "judder" or whatever you want to call it.  After searching a lot, i saw that people were recommending Walmart's ONN 4K Google tv box.  It's also experiencing this even though other forums say otherwise.  I checked my box and found that it's quite hot.  So is the CC.  I moved the ONN box and put it under fan to cool it off.  "Judder" went away.  I was watching Peter Pan & Wendy on D+ on the CC Friday night and it juddered often.  I installed the ONN box yesterday and watched the same movie and it didn't judder until halfway through the movie.  That's what made me consider an overheating issue.

Try cooling off your units and see if you get better results.  Report back.  Maybe that one update with the frame rate matching is causing too much procedure usage and causing overheating in certain installations?  That would explain why not everyone has this issue, while many of us do.

Community Member

Mine has the problem, but does not seem to get hot at all.  If heat is the problem, you could probably apply a 2x2-inch heat sink to the unit and solve the problem.

Perhaps the issue is a memory leak?  Are there particular apps that have the juddering more than others?  

Community Member

Lol  why don't you just build one.  Too funny

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The problem cannot be one of temperature. I have two chromecast ultra and it is impossible for the Chromecast with google TV to get hotter than the Chromecast ultra and yet I have not had any problems with the ultra.

Community Member

Problem start on winter.... not a temperature problem man.

Community Member

Hi! Here my small contribution.

I think there are 2 differents problems:The main problem is absolutely not random: it depends of the refresh rate of the tv and the framerate of the video. Most of the time, the Chromecast has choosen a 60Hz refresh rate for you. So if the video framerate is not at 30 or 60 FPS, we have stuttering... And if you manually change the refresh rate according to the video, it's really better. But it's very annoying to change it. Most films and US TV shows have 24fps or 30fps, European TV shows mostly 25fps.

Before the last big update in Q4 2022, the Chromecast seemed to use by default something like an adaptative mode to "smooth" the video without changing the refresh rate. It worked most of the time but not for high bitrates because of the CPU consumption. But since the last big update, it seems (?) the app developers are now responsible for using a new API to change the display rate themselves - the performance are obviously better in this case. Kodi developers have implemented it and it works perfectly - except a few seconds of black screen when you start a video due to the change of display rate. But I'm not sure Netflix, Disney and Amazon are ready to do the work before a long time... And really Google, a big breaking change like this... It is just bad practice...

And - the last but not least - there is also a performance issue even when the framerate matches the display rate: I don't know the exact reason (I think of dirty backgrounds tasks, memory leaks and CPU temperature) but it's really better if you restart the device every time you switch from one app to another... So user friendly!

Good luck everyone... And think twice before buying a new chromecast!


Community Member

Yep. Pretty much this. 

I decided to give some of the workarounds a try (other than rebooting etc). I changed the CCWGTV HD to 24Hz and have so far watched 2 episodes of Muppet Mayhem on Disney+ without any stuttering, jitter, judder or whatnot. I'm about halfway through the series and it was seeing HUGE frame skips/drops before that. Before switching I watched Bessie on HBOMax and it "only" skipped a handful of times so hopefully this continues. I'll probably watch DnD on Paramount+ this weekend. I'll report back if there are any issues. 

It's unfortunate that so much of this is reliant on the CC settings and the individual program framerate.

Meant to post this yesterday. I watched the DnD movie on Paramount+ this weekend. It skipped exactly once very early on. It was a pretty significant skip though. The screen froze but audio continued for about a full second, then it the screen jumped to sync with the audio. Other than that no issues. Before changing the refresh rate I was watching the new Star Trek series on Paramount+ and the skipping and judder were happening a lot. Not unwatchable but very noticable. So far I am very happy with the way things are looking. 

I changed the video format from hdr10 to hdr10+. From what I have read it's very similar to Dolby vision. Everything seems good now. On a onn 4k box 2023. 

Community Member

So, no see any promised update 

We can not roll back since November 2022
For manual setting, you change on tv setting or on chromecast setting?

How to know the frame rate to put for each movie?


Community Member

This is only possible in the Chromecast settings. And for the movie framerate, try 24 if you don't know - mostly for movies and US TV shows. Could be 25 FPS for European TV shows. And otherwise, try 60 if nothing works. 

Community Member

So glad I'm not just crazy and stumbled on this! I have tweaked and changed almost every setting on my brand new Sony TV (which is supposed to handle any jitter/judder issues fantastically only to find out it's my **bleep** Chromecast 🙄. Been driving me insane watching movies! If it doesn't get fixed soon Nvidia shield here I come I guess. Going to try the 24 fps setting change tonight and see if it's a temp solve. 🤷🏻‍

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Welcome to the party @Ejessen !

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LoL more like a pity party for all of us suffering. 🙄😑

Well, happy to report, just watched 2 episodes of dark crystal on Netflix that previously had been having horrible judder/jitter issues and after switching settings to 24fps the 2 we watched tonight played flawlessly! So happy! 

I have yet to test any movies on Disney+ , which was having major judder issues as well but I'm assuming/hoping for the same result changing the setting. 

Also need to test with some streamed movies on my jellyfin server. But I'm optimistic after tonight's testing. 

Regardless, still seems totally unacceptable from Google that it has been persisting this long without a fix or even an official email /statement addressing people attempt the 24fps setting fix temporarily. 🙄😑

That alone might make me just pull the trigger on a Nvidia shield. 

I'll try this temp fix for awhile and see if it continues issue free tho.🙏🏻🙏🏻

It was so nice to watch something finally and not be completely bothered /annoyed the whole movie. 🙌🏻🙌🏻