02-20-2024 02:57 AM
I have 3 eve home sensors using matter over thread (2x eve motion and 1x eve door sensor) and they all seem to not be reporting their status to the Google home app, making automations fail to run. This happens quite often, every few days.
I initially thought it was the batteries but after replacing all of them the sensors flash when they change state signifying that they detected the change it is just not reflecting in the Google home app. (not being transmitted over the matter network??)
I have removed all sensors and re-added them but that did not solve it.
The only thing that seems to solve it briefly is restarting both my nest hubs (1x nest hub max and 1x nest hub gen 2)
Could this be the matter network going offline? (Hence the restart solves it) But then I'm not sure what causes the matter network to go offline.
02-22-2024 11:58 PM
This now has started to be on a nightly basis, the only thing that brings my matter devices back online is restarting my nest hub max and nest hub 2nd gen
04-23-2024 05:51 PM
Same. I have 4 of the motion sensors and they frequently go offline. Sometimes it's all of them, and sometime just a few. It seems to have become a more frequent problem.
06-18-2024 04:56 AM
This is still a problem in 06/18/2024. I have Nest wifi so what works for me is just doing a soft restart on the network, but this is rough.
Google, please fix this!
09-16-2024 09:53 AM
This problem is still happening to me September 2024. Google Home matter network is not reliable.
10-06-2024 02:05 AM
This also happens to me (Oct 6, 2024). My eve motion sensors are all working, but they appear as offline in the Google Home app.
11-29-2024 01:54 AM
Happens to me on a fairly regular basis with 3x Eve Energy plugs and a mixture of Nest Hub Mini 2's and Nest Minis - pairing to Google Home worked fine but the Eve's drop offline occasionally at random.
a month ago
Same here, both on WiFi devices AND Matter devices. Using a Nest Hub 2nd gen as router.
2 weeks ago
This is driving me insane. I don't know if this an issue with the nest devices or the Eve motion sensors. And Google won't provide a way to schedule a reboot of these devices daily, because in their view, they're perfect. Matter was supposed to fix everything. Now it's just another pipedream.
2 weeks ago
I guess it's Google Nest fault, since it happens with various vendors, both on thread or on wi-fi.