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All personal routines disappeared

Community Member

Hi all, had anybody else lost their personal routines? This evening I tried starting mine that turned off my TV, turned on my bedroom lights, said goodnight to me, waited 90 seconds and turned off my living room lights and nothing was happening. I checked the app and all of my personal routines are gone except those preloaded, and all of the preloaded had all of the additional commands I'd given them removed. Those preloaded ones I'd removed steps from still had the parts I removed gone from them, so it's not like it reset everything it just removed anything I had added. By contrast, all of my household routines were still there. I'm the only person in my household who creates routines.

1 Recommended Answer

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello folks,


We’re aware of reported issues with Assistant Settings that may affect some functions, including certain Routines and settings. We’re looking into possible solutions. Meanwhile, you can check and adjust your settings and Routines in Assistant Settings or the Google Home App. 



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Community Member

Yes. This happened to me. So much work in the bin. Very frustrating.

Same here. What's going on?!

Community Member

Same, happened sometime yesterday. A couple days or so ago, I noticed that some routines were missing switches or lights. Then yesterday evening they were all just gone. So frustrating.

Community Member

Mine are gone now too, hoping they will reappear at some point, perhaps this is part of the home software update and they are migrating routines. It better be, as I had probably 50+ routines that are now gone, and even the default ones like bedtime are now reset to the default routing and all customization is gone. If this is just part of a migration and they will reappear, super - but garbage communication from Google. If these are gone I definitely as they aren't comparable with the Google home update - I am going to be livid that they didn't give me the heads up and at least allow me to duplicate them first and migrate manually or document them. And if they are just gone for no reason, wtf Google.......hours of work setting up smart home routines lost.

Community Member

I lost 8 routines and family bells..hoping for a solution soon

Yep I noticed a the family bells are gone as well, I spent an hour chatting with support. I was told flat out there is no way they can restore routines. And that they are not aware of any issues with them disappearing. But they also weren't even aware of the new Google home software rollout or the new household routines.....I have no faith. Spent the last 2 days slowly rebuilding a few essential ones that I can live without. But HOURS of work tweaking over 50 routines I think now wasted

Community Member

Yes, mine has done the same thing yesterday.

I re did some last night and they have gone again today.

Community Member

Happened to me as well

Community Member

Mine are gone also..dozens of routines gone...they better have a way to restore google!!

Community Member

All gone. Why Google?

Community Member

Mine are all gone, too.

Community Member

This happened to me last night around 9 pm. I rely on Google routines to do certain things at certain times. When nothing happened at 9 o'clock, I tried verbally and failed ...then I checked the app. All my custom routines were missing. This is unacceptable!

Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Hi all,

I'll make sure this thread gets escalated to the support team here at Google Nest.

I've seen quite a few routine related posts this week and know the Google Assistant team is already investigating this uptick.

Thanks for reporting.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,


Thanks for sharing details about the issue. I appreciate @JillG for helping here.


Our team is aware of this and looking into this issue at hand. I’ll make sure to get back on this thread as soon as an update becomes available.


Also, the team would love your help to look into this issue on routines. In order for the team to explore further, we need to gather additional feedback from affected customers. You can send feedback from your Google Nest device by saying, "Hey Google, send feedback." While you're sharing your feedback, it's important to use the keywords, "GHT3 Missing Routines." For more instructions on how to send feedback, check this out.




I may have spammed feedback the other day in frustration....happy to provide any extra details to the team, I don't want any others to have to feel this pain.

Thank you, I even requested o. Chat support to escalate to the Google home team- was told there was no way to contact them except for providing feedback within the Google home app. I am devastated at the loss of all my routines, I have over 250 devices in my Google home (some are duplicates linked to Samsung smart things, but still I havealmost the full house wired in and to lose so many routines feels like a punch in the throat. And the lack of support and the fact that support didn't even seem to understand or care to help escalate the issue is appalling.

Community Member

I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Had to recreate all of our routines. The workflow for the new interface is cumbersome. I like that you have more options but the workflow takes a long time to set up 100 plus lights in a routine, for example turning off the downstairs or the upstairs lights.

But one other issue I have noticed is household members can no longer see Philips hue scenes. They can see all the light bulbs to create their own personal and household routines. But when looking for a particular Philips hue scene or Philips hue labs scene, they are not able to see them because the entire scene section is missing for household members.

If they select a household routine that has a scene selected, the scene is also missing from that household routine which causes the routine to break.

Community Member

Agreed the new layout to select the device within the routine is garbage, so many extra clicks and scrolling forever when you have 250 should be able to add multiple devices at time....such a pain in the ass now.

Community Member

Lost mine as well. More than 20 routines. Also it "resetted" some of my settings, such as voice (example: I used a male voice to differentiate from my wife's account - now reverted to female voice).

I didn't realise my voice settings had changed too and wouldn't respond.

I didn't even think to check voice recognition - I will do that today, around the same time all this started, now my speaker groups are acting up - I deleted all groups and even reset all my speakers, Music still fails to start if requesting music on a speaker group via voice command (either starts and stops within a second, or get a message from assistant - "sorry something went wrong try again", and if trying to shift music playing on an existing group to another it does the same thing and just crashes. Even after full re-setup of speakers and completely removing and re-adding speaker groups. I have had so many issues in the last week with my entire google home setup that has worked great for months now after spending hours setting it all up, I am so frustrated right now.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello folks,


We’re aware of reported issues with Assistant Settings that may affect some functions, including certain Routines and settings. We’re looking into possible solutions. Meanwhile, you can check and adjust your settings and Routines in Assistant Settings or the Google Home App. 



Community Member

Any news or updates on this?  It's been weeks now with no news and no fixes (at least, for most of us).  Nothing since the vague e-mail. . .

My personal ones have come back since the email. The names collide with my new ones so I've had to delete or change some. Have you not got your personal ones back at all?

Nope, none of my previous custom routines have returned.  I'm in the exact same place I have been for going on a month, now: all routines wiped, and with a bunch of configurations reset to defaults (most of which I've since gone in and manually fixed).

It's very frustrating and disappointing to invest as much as I have into the Google Smart Home ecosystem only to have something like this happen and then get basically no useful communication or response on it.  It leaves one questioning whether continuing with Google is the right direction for Smart Home/Home Automation. . .

Mine have all returned, family bells, routines etc. Many routines I recreated while they we.missing, and now have duplicate voice triggers, and may need to be deleted or fixed if they reappear.

It's been over a month I've been dealing with the wrong voice reply. I admit I don't know how it works but something definitely not right. It worked fine, in fact perfect until I bought the Google Nest Hub. Might have been coincidence but since then it's been doing the different voice randomly. Also it only happens with Google nest products. My Lenovo smart clock always replies in the voice I've picked. I have also uninstalled and installed the Google Home app as well as get a new router, factory reset all my devices and it's still happening so it has to be something on Google's end.


Yeah, my problems started a couple months ago with my Nest. My older Home Minis work fine but it seems this Nest ecosystem is just... Crap.

Still having this issue. For me, it's only when I use commands for a room my Nest Mini is in. It's been happening since late October for me, like most of these people, so it's definitely an issue on your end, Google. 🤷

Community Member

OK, your still missing CANADIAN new content and all other CANADIAN content ! when are you going to fix that issue ?

Community Member

So, it's 8 months later and this same exact thing has just happened to me. Did they come up with a fix yet? 

Community Member

Still waiting for any solutions, i must delete some duplicated routines that not appear on my google home

Community Member

I lost all of my routines a week ago and also, it would appear, personal voice recognition.

Community Member

Oh boy!!!! I should have checked in here before I approved and confirmed my onboarding for the new Home App. I hope they have this resolved by the time they push it to me!!! 😟

I believe this is happening even before the new app rolls out, as they prepare the backend data for the update to ensure compatibility... But cannot confirm that. If you can take note of your routines so if/when this happens you can at least easily build them again - just open and screen shot each routine so you have a pic just to be sure.

Community Member

Recently one of my Google Nest Mini as well as my new Google Nest Hub Google Assistant will reply in a voice other than the one I've set. This seems to happen most often when one of the devices answers a question then the other one will reply after it's done but this isn't always the case. I just realized this all started when after I hooked up my new Google Nest Hub 2nd. generation. Not sure this has anything to do with it or not but thought I'd put it in there.

I'm also having the same issue. My nest mini uses other voice to confirm some commands, like turning a power outlet on or setting alarm.

Same for me…infuriating.

Since I'm not the only one with this issue it must be a problem on Google's end. Maybe if we get enough people on here complaining they might do something about it or am I dreaming?