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Ask google to turn lights to 100%, google turns them off.

Community Member

I have two Google Home Mini speakers(pre-Nest) and a Lenovo Google Assistant alarm clock in separate rooms. My office contains one speaker, two smart bulbs by Wiz, and a Google TV device. Haven't had any problems for a few years, and then about two weeks ago, it started acting a bit odd. Since I have two lights in here, I usually direct commands about them to 'the office' so that it will affect both lights, but for the last few weeks, if I say, 'Ok Google, turn office to 100%" it turns the lights off. If I repeat the command, then it will do as asked. I am trying to remember to phrase it differently, as that seems to be the only command phrase affected by this bug, but I have been saying it that way for years, and usually when I need that command carried out, I am in the middle of doing something and am so hyper-focused that the thought of using a different command never occurs to me. Any ideas? Thanks.


P.S. The required labels on this post aren't correct, but there simply weren't any that fit the situation.