12-07-2021 05:21 AM
C by GE lights intermittently stop working for periods of time with Google Home control. All of them stop working at once then, at some point in the future, will begin working again. It's very frustrating and happens at least once a week (not at same time or on same day). Other lights (Wiz by Phillips, for example) seem unaffected.
12-07-2021 10:25 AM
This would be more of a GE thing than a Google thing, especially considering that you don't have issues with integrations from other companies. All Google is in this circumstance is a middle man passing along your wishes to the GE cloud system.
12-09-2021 04:32 PM
I'm in the same boat. I've had a dozen suggestions of resetting the network, my google devices, factory resetting my bulbs, none of these work. These bulbs just do not work with this system.
Bonus: This daily phenomenon happens around 8:30-9 PM, right when one might be wishing to toggle lights on and off.
Google will say it's not a google issue, GE will say it's not a ge issue.
Tomorrow I'm going to replace half the bulbs in my house with Sylvania's smart bulbs, we'll see if those keep working when the GE bulbs die. Then I'll know the truth.
12-10-2021 05:33 AM
I've verified my Phillips Wiz work when the GE's don't. I'm not saying the Phillips (Wiz) work all the time but I haven't observed a failure with them.
12-12-2021 02:34 PM
Hi there!
I also have C by GE lights, I noticed my Google home would keep the device recognized, but unable to communicate with it. I had success in changing the frequency of the wifi that I was using, and was able to regain control of the device. Connect to your wifi on the 2.4GHz setting and you should be able to control the light.
12-12-2021 02:50 PM
Awesome, I'm glad it worked for you!
I have all my home automation stuff set to the 2.4 - it has a whole separate SSID - and they still keep losing connection for me. Alas.
It seems like this is definitely a thing worth trying for everyone else though!
12-12-2021 02:54 PM
Darn! I had messed around with it for a while because it just didn't make sense that it would just stop working, and that's what finally kicked it on. I wish you luck in finding a solution!
12-12-2021 02:51 PM
Following up to say that three days in the Sylvania bulbs are not just still connected, but also actually brighter than the C by GE bulbs.
03-03-2022 01:41 PM
Hey there,
Just checking in to make sure that you saw our response. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.
Have a great day.
Garrett DS
03-07-2022 01:15 PM
Hey folks,
It looks like we haven't heard back from the OP so I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to create a new thread.
Have a great day,
Garrett DS