07-01-2022 11:38 AM
I am unable to connect after a power outage and the nest does not se my rooter or any other and it has come up with your network may be hidden or to far away!
I have reset the nest and switched of the rooter and also typed in the rooter name and password but still not connect?
07-05-2022 11:01 AM
Hey andyreid,
Thanks for reaching out.
Could you tell us what Google Nest device you need help with? Tell us more we'd love to help.
07-06-2022 12:07 AM
It's a nest thermostat not pleased with this equipment as it had to be replaced by Google the last time I had to have the power off as I was having some electrical work done and the electricity was off for a couple of hours!
And there is no procedure to apply if the power needs to be shut down for some reason?
07-13-2022 02:33 PM
Hi andyreid,
Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear that you're having an issue with connecting your Nest Thermostat to your Wifi. I'd love to know more about this and I have a few questions:
Looking forward to your response.
07-15-2022 02:51 AM
Hi Edward
When it's finished searching it comes up with
(Your network may be hidden or to far away!)
My router is less than 2M away from the start and also it usually comes up with a list of networks nearby but nothing just that message?
07-15-2022 09:31 PM
Hey Andy,
Thanks for these added details.
Just to confirm, have you tried connecting this Nest thermostat to another WiFi network or a mobile hotspot? If yes, how is it? Also, what specific type of Nest thermostat is this and when was it bought?
07-16-2022 01:03 AM
Hi Melba
It is a 3rd gen bought just over a year ago.
Have tried to manually type in router details but still could not find it!
Have tried to tether to my phone did not see that and it does not find any other network I have also tried to set back to factory settings still not able to see any other networks?
07-16-2022 01:17 AM
Hey there,
Understood and appreciate these added details. I want to dig deeper into it. Could you fill out this form and let me know once done: https://bit.ly/31vCfcQ
07-19-2022 11:38 PM
Hey andyreid,
Upon further checking, one of our higher level of support had processed a replacement for your thermostat and it should be on its way to your shipping address real soon. We appreciate your patience as we worked on this.
I'll go ahead and close this thread after a day. Feel free to reply back to the email of our higher level of support should you have further questions about the replacement. Also, if you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the Community.