03-22-2023 03:10 AM
Hi all,
Every morning at 10am, Google home plays a plinky plonky tune and says "you have a reminder". When I say "tell me about this reminder" or "cancel this reminder" it says "there are no reminders set". So how do I stop this happening? I've looked everywhere to find out what this reminder is on all of our phones but when we ask Google on our phones to show us our reminders she says "you don't have any reminders". As far as I'm aware we haven't set up any routines. I've reported this using the "ok Google, send feedback" option multiple times but it's still happening.
04-01-2023 01:15 PM
Hey Koksy,
Thanks for reaching out. We'd love to help.
Please check if you have a scheduled routine created for this reminder. If you're not seeing one, you can look into bell announcements to see if there's anything setup. Here's how: open the Google Home app > Tap on your Account icon at the upper right > Assistant settings > Family Bell > On the upper right corner of a bell announcement, tap to turn it off.
Let me know how it goes.
04-03-2023 04:13 AM
04-07-2023 04:07 PM
Hello Koksy,
Have you tried the steps I provided above? I'd be glad to hear from you, so please tell me if you are still having issues.
04-08-2023 04:19 PM
Hi there,
It's me again. We haven't heard from you in a while, so we'll be locking this thread if there's still no update within 24 hours. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread here in the Community.
Kind regards,
04-08-2023 05:36 PM
Hi there, I'm away on Easter vacation so I will try the steps you said when I get home during the week.
04-09-2023 08:09 PM
Hey Koksy,
Thanks for the update. We'll keep this thread open for a few days to give you time to reply to us. Let us know if you have any follow-up questions for now.
04-12-2023 08:11 PM
Hello Koksy,
Checking back in should you still have some questions here. Let us know by replying to this thread.
04-13-2023 08:45 PM
Hi there,
Just checking in to make sure that you saw our responses. I'll be locking this thread if we don't hear back from you again in 24 hours. Should that happen, feel free to create a new one if you have more questions or have other concerns in the future.
04-04-2023 04:02 PM
Hi Koksy,
Go ahead and try renaming the Google Home device that's giving you a daily reminder. Follow this guide: open the Google Home app > Tap on the device icon > Choose Settings > Tap on Name to edit > Save. If you're still getting reminders, factory resetting and setting up your device might help.