10-14-2022 08:01 AM
I really like using routines. Over the years the Home app has been getting much better in regards to routines, scheduled actions, etc... HOWEVER,. And I know it's been brought up before...
At least allowing some conditional or state checks for devices would be paramount. Dim lights and set to blue if lights are not already off at 12am.
I know there are workarounds with IFTT and such, but I don't see why I should *have* to look outside the ecosystem for this.
10-17-2022 03:08 PM
ding ding ding…. Preach brother.
also, alarm off sets… no really. it’s annoying to have routines that only start when the alarm is dismissed, when half the need for a routine that is triggered when the alarm rings is to actually wake me me! Like cmon! I don’t want to have to edit a morning routine every time I need to change my alarm time, it’s absurd. If I don’t dismiss the alarm the routine doesn’t start, and if the routine doesn’t start I don’t wake up, the alarm is the trigger, not the other way around.
and this brings me to the offsets. What if I want to start a routine thirty minutes before I wake up? Maybe I want to heat up my tea water, or get the coffee beans going. Why can’t I set an offset based on whatever alarm I set up the night before? The information is there, in each speaker, and I can see it in the app! So it’s possible.
10-17-2022 03:18 PM
Hi folks,
@IfThisThenThat, I know how it feels when something isn’t working as it should, let’s get this resolved. A few things: When did your issue begin? Were there any recent changes made before the issue started? What troubleshooting steps did you take?
Try to delete, then create the routine again and see if this will make any difference.
@PedroLiberal, are you experiencing the same issue? If this is something different we suggest you to create a new thread so we can address it properly.
10-23-2022 01:52 PM
Hi there,
Buzzing in — do you still need our help? Don't hesitate to reach back if you do.
10-23-2022 01:55 PM
Hi @Juni , this isn’t an “issue” , it’s not something that worked and stopped working. It’s a “we expect to be able to do X and we can’t.” It’s a feature request.
Please let me know if something is not clear and I’ll find a different way of explaining it 🙂
10-23-2022 06:31 PM
Hi Juni.
Yeah this is a feature request, not a techical issue - there is nothing to troubleshoot.
I think if you really want to unlock the full power that routines can provide, then enabling conditional statements to check the current status of devices or other available meta data from a source whether or is inside or outside of Google home ecosystem - should be a priority feature.
My motion sensors also have luminosity and humidity sensors. What a waste if that data can't be used without a third party hub.
Now that Matter will be the new standard moving forward, this feature is 100% a necessity for the success of the new platform.
10-24-2022 09:48 PM
So funny enough, I just saw an article on how the newest update to Google home will have some conditional routines available. I haven't taken a look myself yet, but you can set routines to now trigger at sunrise/sunset, and perhaps other device statuses. If I could create some virtual switches and use them as flags, we could really have something rolling here!
10-31-2022 07:40 PM
Hey folks,
@PedroLiberal, @IfThisThenThat, we appreciate all your feedback about the features that I know would be very beneficial to you especially we know that you make the most of it by controlling your smart home.
Household Routines is officially launched last week. Here's some info how to make it work.
You can create a household Routine to:
Note: Home & Away Routines have different setup steps than other household Routines.
Let us know if you have additional questions and we'd be glad to answer it for you.
11-03-2022 07:47 PM
Hey everyone,
Chiming in to see if you still need assistance with this. Hope the previous post helped. Let us know if you have additional questions, otherwise we’ll be locking the thread.