09-08-2023 12:23 AM
On the nest hub that I just bought ,
Eufy cameras and doorbell is not coming live.
I have tried every trend approach.
Please I need help
I have also attached screenshots
09-09-2023 01:17 AM
I am sorry I can't offer you a solution but I can offer you confirmation. I have a Eufy doorbell cam and since the Google Home app was updated I too can't access the Eufy camera in the Google Home app. In my case I can still cast the doorbell camera to any Chromecast device and I can stream the camera to all my Nest Hubs. Do you have a total failure or only issues in the Google Home app?
I also suggest you bring these issues to the attention of Eufy. I filed a complaint with Eufy technical support and I think that Eufy may be confirming the issue is at their end.
09-12-2023 01:46 PM
Hi folks,
Thanks for the help here, IanSav
Pappychula, thanks for reaching out and for the details you’ve shared with us. Try to relink the Eufy cameras and doorbell once more and observe if it makes a difference. If it’s the same, you can do the same thing IanSav did since Eufy technical support confirmed that the issue is on their end.
09-12-2023 06:47 PM
Hi Juni,
Is there any chance that the Google developers can reach out to the Eufy developers to discuss the issue. Given the time Eufy is taking to fix the issue, perhaps the Eufy developers may need some help / guidance as to what Google changed and what Eufy will need to do to correct the issue. Alternatively, the Eufy developers may be able to highlight if there is a problem in the Google code. The number of issues with cameras in the new Google Home app may potentially hint that there is an issue at the Google end.
10-27-2023 08:14 PM
Hi Juni,
It appears that there are a number of users experiencing issues with Eufy cameras and getting no support from Eufy. Can Google please investigate the issue and see if Google can solve the problems for us. If Eufy is required to provide the solution then can Google please work with Eufy, on our behalf, to see the problems fixed and functionality restored.
09-13-2023 03:04 AM
Thanks guys
I have sorted this out
I can now view it on my nest hub.
It just automatically started showing up
09-13-2023 04:08 AM
Hi Pappychula,
Can you see the camera in the Google Home app? Can you cast the camera to any Chromecast device?
I just installed a Eufy app update and reconnected the new app to Google Home but I still can't see the doorbell camera in the Google Home app or cast it to any Chromecast. It is still viewable on my Google hubs.
10-27-2023 05:17 AM
Same problem. For over seven months now.
The only response I've gotten from eufySecurity is that the cameras need to be relinked to the Google Devices / Apps AFTER MAKING SURE THAT ALL Chomecast FIRMWARE IS UPDATED & that Apps are all updated to the latest version. I obviously automatically receive these, & also religiously check for new updates, just in case (out of habit bc Amazon devices do not auto update to the newest firmware.... grrr.
I relink & repeat, on the regular & nothing. Their support is awful & untruthful, and doesn't back up their product claims, not once, and we have like 12 eufyCams, now.
I MISS being able to have say "Hey, Google, show me the Front Camera" and the fast and long view that Chromecast and all my hubs would provide me with. Much better than the other aforementioned brands provisions...
Please, somebody look into this. I hardly even use these Chromecast devices anymore because of this setback, and really do hate the alternatives that I'm forced to lower myself to now, going on 7 months since I first noticed that this was not a glitch that was working itself out, and still hasn't they won't even take accountability for it so obviously aren't intending on resolving the cameras they FALSLY list in Google paired / synced devices that do absolutely NOTHING besides show the name of your camera, and the Google Assistant responds "OK", when you ask to see Camera X or Y, & STATES IT IS SHOWING YOU THE LIVE STREAM ON CHROMECAST?? AND it's still just a black screen of nothing.
It all started when eufy got busted out for lying about some serious encryption and security promises that they guaranteed their customers to have their data secured with being completely exposed by investigative journalists who found these camera to me some of the LEAST secure & easiest to steal private data with on the market, exposed them, they still denied this, so they went public with all the data they were able to access easily, as well as every security vulnerability that they were exposing their customers to. eufySecurity finally had to take action to secure this & regain trust if possible & ever since then, I think that they have never properly set up Google Compatibility that measures up to their new, thrown together super secure promise...
Someone needs to put the pressure on eufy, because they have a LONG history of denying their problems until facing public shaming. Maybe we forward these forum pages full of dissatisfied customers, who once really appreciated their eufyCam setups, but are now robbed out of the product they paid for bc apparently eufy is too cheap to hire staff that know how to do their jobs... , this rants been a long time coming, sorry...
10-27-2023 05:20 AM
Maybe you were successful because you have a Nest Hub, and most of the other people experiencing the problem aren't using the Nest App?
10-27-2023 08:09 PM
I can also view my Eufy doorbell camera on my Google Nest Hubs. To view the camera I must tap on the Eufy tile that prominently displays an error triangle. So while it seems that the camera can be viewed, Google is attempting to report that something is wrong.
As for viewing the Eufy cameras in the Google Home app or casting them to Chromecast devices, this is still an issue.
Eufy is now backing away from, and delaying, any prospect of a solution. 😞
12-03-2023 11:45 AM
The main issue is with the goggle app and not Google displays. I am able to see live video on my hub but not the app. Which is a pain and almost false advertisement from Eufy, since they say that they are Google compatible.