10-06-2022 03:43 AM
I bought a google doorbell and waired using a 12VA transformator. I cheked doorbell voltage and it resieve 12V but in google home app it does not always shows the waired connection, it switches to battery automaticly and it turn the device off when it is 0% and than automaticly charge the doorbell. see pic
10-06-2022 05:44 AM
Bei meiner Doorbell tritt der selbe Fehler auf. Immer wenn ich die Drähte des ehemaligen Klingeltasters anschließe, bricht die Spannung auf 2,3V~ zusammen und die elektronische Glocke ertönt. (Die Leerlaufspannung liegt bei 9,3V~)
Der Akku ist zu 75% geladen.
Die Doorbell wird über die Drahtanschaltung nicht geladen.
Die Einstelloptionen für die elektronische Glocke sind ausgegraut und damit nicht verfügbar.
Ein wiederholtes Setup der Doorbell hat keine Besserung gebracht.
10-22-2022 08:54 PM
Hi folks,
Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear that and for the delayed response here. Let’s sort this out — a few questions: do you have a wired or a wireless setup? Was there any power outage recently? Are you able to view the camera feed? Also, what’s the status light of your camera?
Looking forward to your response.
10-23-2022 12:29 PM
It's a google nest doorbell battery but i can be wired(i used wired option), there was no power outgae, i can view camara feed somtime, it light green when it see people but it hast charge no light.
10-28-2022 04:14 PM
Hello everyone,
@Presh and @MNestUser I'm sorry to hear if you're having trouble making your Nest doorbell have a continuous power supply. To confirm, do you remember while setting up your Nest doorbell to the Google Home app? The part where you need to choose "What will your new doorbell use for power?" Then you have two options: Battery or wire terminals. Did you choose the wire terminals? Click this link for the steps.
Try these steps:
Keep us posted.
I appreciate the help, @Jt.
10-31-2022 06:44 PM
Hey there,
Chiming in to see if you still need assistance with this. Hope the previous post helped. Let us know if you have additional questions, otherwise we’ll be locking the thread.
11-01-2022 07:17 PM
Hi there,
Due to inactivity, I'll go ahead and lock this thread in 24 hours. Feel free to start a new thread if you need assistance with your Nest devices and we'd be glad to assist you further.