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Nest Learning Thermostat

Community Member

I have a ventilation system in my new home that has a damper and opens when the fan is turned on for ventilation.  I purchased the Nest Learning Thermostat and they do not know how to wire it.  Does anyone have any ideas.  A lot of money to spend for something that does not work.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @TommieB


The Nest Learning Thermostat might actually work with your damper system, even though Nest support may not be familiar with damper wiring. Here are a couple of possibilities:

  • No additional wiring needed: Most ventilation systems with dampers are controlled by the fan (G wire) on your thermostat. When the fan is turned on for ventilation, it should open the damper automatically. This is the simplest case, and hopefully how your system is set up.

  • Using an unused wire for the damper: If your thermostat wires include an unused wire (like a blue or orange wire), it might be possible to use that wire to control the damper. This would require some knowledge of your specific HVAC system and the damper controls. However, it's generally not recommended to do electrical work yourself unless you are comfortable and qualified.

Here are some resources that might be helpful:


Safety First: If you are unsure about your wiring or uncomfortable working with electrical systems, it's always best to consult a qualified HVAC technician. They can help you determine the best way to wire your Nest thermostat to work with your damper system.


