12-07-2022 12:55 AM
Earlier this year I made the switch from Alexas to nest for a number of reasons. One to move away from the Bezos empire but largely to allow for the voice recognition and personalized responses.
I now have 4x Nest Mini's in my home and have been running them for a few months. On the whole I like them but they are definitely not without their issues.
The really pressing one here being that not only do they seem to randomly forget my wifi connection, 3 times now, some have randomly removed themselves from my home.
So let's go through these two issues in sequence:
Your WiFi is unreachable
So here, I get no notification but when I try to use my a Nest Mini, it exclaims that it can't access my WiFi. The nest hasn't been moved, the router hasn't been moved, no settings have been changed on either. All other devices in my house are still connected and getting 350-500mbps with no problem, and one of the Nests that has had this issue in the past was sat only 1 ft from the router so definitely not too far away.
Device removed
I randomly got a notification on my phone saying, "Device removed. Kitchen speaker - MyWifesEmailAddress removed it from your home". When I received this notification, my wife was out of the country in a rainforest with no signal for a month so she definitely didn't do anything. This ended up requiring a factory reset on the device to connect it. Then randomly the exact same thing happened again to the same device, and then a different one.
She doesn't even open the Google Home app and only has it installed so she has a personalized account with the Nest voice assistants.
So this is all very irritating. Not only do the Nests take much longer to respond and frequently miss-hear what I said, compared to the Alexas, they also have no way of making it so she just does what I say without verbally responding each time. But whilst I'm happy to put up with those issues, if devices are randomly going to disconnect themselves all the time, it makes the smart home more of a stupid home.
Filling in this post it did ask which platform it's connected to. I've selected Android as both me and my wife have Android phones, however, the system is also connected to an ipad, Macbook, and windows computers so it's affiliated with every platform (Also some linux devices on the network).
Any suggestions on what could be causing this and how to fix it?
Thanks all
12-14-2022 03:56 AM
I have been having this same problem. But only with one of my devices. I have tried factory resseting and relinking multiple times. Any assistance would be great.
There have been many posts that report the same behaviour but no effective solutions.
12-14-2022 04:03 AM
Yep, it's happening with 2 of my 4 devices. 1 of them has been "removed" 4 times so far and the other twice.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
12-19-2022 07:07 PM
Hi everyone,
Thanks for reaching out.
We're sorry to hear that you have to experience this and we appreciate all the details you've shared. By any chance, are the speakers connected to a mesh network? Could you please provide the cast firmware version of the affected devices?
To check which firmware version you're on, follow these steps:
12-19-2022 07:31 PM
This is the information from the particular device that is having the issues. Is this all the information you require?
System firmware version: 324896
Cast firmware: 1.56.324896
12-20-2022 01:02 AM
Hi Princess,
No mesh network, they are connected to a good quality Asus router.
Regarding firmware, I have 4x Nest Minis.
2 of them this has happened to multiple times, (Ironically the two in the rooms closest to the router) and 2 of them haven't had it happen once).
With all my devices I always force the latest firmware as soon as it becomes available.
All 4 devices are on:
System Firmware: 324896
Cast Firmware: 1.56.324896
The two problem ones I just had to reconnect (yet again) to get this info, and one of them even once I did that, I had to power cycle it twice before it would show up as online in the app.
12-21-2022 04:22 PM
Hi folks,
We appreciate all your efforts. We'd be happy to take a look into this for you. Please fill out this form with all the needed information then let me know once done.
12-22-2022 05:26 AM
Hi Dan,
I've filled out and submitted the form.
Just so you know, I mentioned in my initial post that every time one was removed I was getting a notification saying my wife had removed it (even though some of the times she was in areas with no signal for weeks on end).
I have since as a test removed her account from the Google home entirely, then just leaving my own account connected to it. I re-added all the Google homes and waited. And the same things still happen but now when the nests are removed I no longer get a notification saying so or blaming it on a random account.
12-23-2022 07:07 AM
Hi Dan, I've also filled out the form. Like ByteSlinger, I had to re-add the device to google home in order to retrieve the firmware information etc.
It would appear that this issue is less likely a device hardware issue but rather related to a backend issue which is affecting perhaps particular hardware revision models?
01-04-2023 01:08 PM
Hi folks,
@ByteSlinger, @Jsv93au, we got your form — thanks for filling it out. Our team will reach out to you via email anytime soon. Please continue the conversation there as this thread will be locked after 24 hours.
Kind regards,